初中 比较级 最高级

发布 2021-05-11 08:38:28 阅读 5426



肯定句型:as + 形容词(副词)原级 + as … 意思是 “与……一样”

the boy is as clever as his brother. 这个男孩和他的哥哥一样聪明。

lucy writes as carefully as lily. 露茜写得和莉莉一样认真。

否定句型:not so/as + 形容词(副词)原级 +as… 意思是“不如……“

monkeys are not as strong as elephants. 猴子不如大象强壮。

he is not so good a man as you. 他没有你好。



peter is wiser than sam.彼得比山姆聪明。

the car is more beautiful than that one. 这来辆车比那一辆漂亮。

2、形容词比较级前可用much, even, still, any, far, four times, a little等修饰。

peter is much wiser than sam.彼得比山姆聪明的多。

the room is a little brighter than that one. 这间房子比那间稍微亮一点。


it rains harder and harder.雨下得越来越大。


the harder you study, the faster you make progress. 你学习越努力,进步就越快。

5、比较级+than any other+单数名词。 意思是“比其它的任何一个……都更……”这种情况其实是用比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。)

he is more stupid than any other student in his class. 在他班里他比其它任何学生都更愚蠢。

she is taller than any other girls in the team. 她比队里的其余任何一个女孩都要高。


1、有范围修饰的用最高级,如:in, of, among或用从句修饰的句子中。

this is the most expensive of all the watches.在所有这些表中这块最贵。

in my family, mother is the busiest.


the yellow river is the second longest river in china.黄河是中国的第二大河流。

the park is the third largest one in beijing. 这个公园是北京第三大公园。

3、one of the+最高级+复数名词表示“是最……之一”

america is one of the richest countries in the world.美国是世界上最富有的国家之一。

one of the most beautiful places in beijing is the summer palace.



the elephant is the he**iest in the zoo.大象是这个动物园里最重的动物。

she came (the) earliest of all the students.所有学生中她来得最早。

练习:1. _i look at the picture, _i like it.

a. the best; the more b. the more; the less

c. the more; less d. more; the more

2. _he read the book, _he got in it.

a. the more; the more interesting

b. the less; the more interesting

c. the more; the more interested

d. more; more interested

3. _you come back, _it will be.

a, the quicker; the best b. the sooner; the better

c. faster; the better d. the sooner; better

4. i like___one of the two books.

a. the older b. oldest c. the oldest d. older

5. which is___country, china or japan?

a. the large b. the larger c. larger d. largest

6. of the two cups, he bought .

a. the smaller b. the smallest c. small d: smaller

7. which do you like __tea or coffee?

a. well b. better c. best d. most

8. this work is __for me than for you.

a. difficult b. most difficult c. much difficult d. more difficult

9. which do you think tastes __the chicken or the fish?

a. good b. better c. best d. well

10. the great pyramid is about 137 metres high today, but it was once

a. higher b. highest c. high too d. more high


一、结构:陈述句 + 附加疑问句?

it’s hot today ,isn’t it ?






…… aren’t i ?

i’m right

bethere ?

there will be fewer buses in the future


he is unhappy

的反意疑问句为 shall we ?

let’s go to the movie together

5.祈使句的反意疑问句为 will you ?

don’t miss it

6.若陈述句部分含有never , few , little , hardly ,no ,seldom ,nobody ,nothing …否定词、半否定词时,附加疑问句用肯定形式。

he can hardly understand it


1).主语为指人的不定代词时,附加疑问句的主语用he / they .

no one was hurt

2).主语为指物的不定代词时,附加疑问句的主语用 it.

nothing is serious


he must be at school

9.陈述句的主语是this , that , these , those 时,附加疑问句的主语分别为 it , they .

this is a new computer

those aren’t banana tees

10.当陈述句是主从复合句时, 其附加疑问句应与主句保持一致。若主句为i think / believe /suppose /imagine /expect 时,其附加疑问句应与从句保持一致。

he said that he would le**e here tomorrow

i don’t think you can do these exercises alone

11.陈述句中有has / h**e / had 时,一定要注意。

1).若句中是 has to / h**e to / had to ,表 “不得不” 附加疑问句的谓语用doesn’t / don’t / didn’t 进行反问。

they had to le**e early

2).若句中是has / h**e / had 表“有 ”,其附加疑问句的谓语用do/ does / did 进行反问。

he has few friends in the new school

3).若句中是has/ h**e / had +过去分词时,其反义疑问句的谓语用has/h**e/had进行反问。


good better best never let it rest till good is better and better is best.bad worse worst never fight against get better and better and you ll be the ...


构成法原级比较级最高级 一般单音节词 tall 高的 taller tallest 未尾加 er,est great 巨大的 greater greatest 以不发音的e结尾 nice 好的 nicer nicest 的单音词和少数 large 大的 larger largest 以 le结尾的双...


英语形容词的比较级 最高级用法解析 一 单音节或部分双音节的词的比较级最高级的变法 1.一般情况下直接加er或est.如 short shorter shortest 2.以字母e结尾的形容词和副词加r或st 如 nice nicer nicest 3.以辅音字母y结尾的y改为i加er,est 如 ...