中考英语考点分类汇编Unit形容词人教新目标版 课件

发布 2021-05-08 19:04:28 阅读 5815


2015山东德州】29. if overweight people eat less and take more exercise, they’ll soon feel much___

a. fatter b. older c. bigger d. healthier

29. d【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意为:


2015山东德州】34. —who is your f**orite singer, mike?

tf boys. they are very __boys and girls.

a. proud of b. popular with c. strict with d. worried about

2015山东菏泽】25. mum, the soup is not __enough. a little more sugar, please.

a. sour b. salty c. sweet

25. c【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意为:



2015四川自贡】23. mum, you’ve got so __housework to do. let me help you.

a. many b. much c. little

23. b【解析】考查形容词的辨析。句意:妈妈,你有这么多家务活要做。我来帮你吧。housework

是不可数名词,其前用so much来修饰;而so many修饰可数名词复数,so little意为“如此少”与语境不符。

2015四川自贡】26.—tom, don’t throw the rubbish on the floor. we should keep the classroom __

oh, sorry. miss wang.

a. clean b. quiet c. dirty

26. a【解析】考查形容词的辨析。clean清洁的;quiet安静的;dirty脏的。由句意“汤姆,不要将垃圾扔到地上。我们应该保持教室清洁。”可知,答案为a项。

2015四川自贡】32. the movie lost in thailand is __one that i’ve ever seen these years.

a. funnyb. the funniest c. funnier

32. b【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意:

电影《人在囧途之泰囧》是近几年我看过的最有趣电影。由限定词that i’ve ever seen可知,此处用形容词funny的最高级。故选b。

2015江苏南京】7. lisa was still very weak when she left hospital. but after a week's rest, she felt muchand went back to school.

a. goodb. betterc. badd. worse

2015四川凉山】31. —the fish tastes __we h**e eaten it up.

it is certain that she cooked it __

a. good; well b. well; good c. well; well d. good; good

31. a【解析】考查形容词和副词用法辨析。句意:

“鱼尝起来很好吃,我们把它吃光了。” 毫无疑问的是她做的好。” 系动词taste意思是“尝起来”,后跟形容词good作表语;实意动词cook后跟副词well作状语,故选a。

2015浙江杭州】16. my time in the middle school was one of __periods of my life.

a. exciting b. more exciting c. the more exciting d. the most exciting

16. d【解析】考查形容词最高级。句意:

中学时光是我一生中最激动人心的时期之一。根据句中one of...和空格后的名词periods可以判断,本句为“..

one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”结构,表示“……最……的……之一”。故选d。

2015浙江温州】3. a person who is __does not tell lies or cheat people.

a. careless b. stupid c. honest d. humorous

3. c【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:

一个 __的人既不撒谎也不欺骗人。careless粗心的;stupid愚蠢的;honest诚实的;humorous幽默的。根据此人既不撒谎也不欺骗人,说明此人很诚实。


2015广东广州】18. emma looked after her pet dog __of all her friends.

a. carefulb. most careful c. more carefully d. the most carefully

18. d【解析】考查形容词与副词及其等级的辨析。句意:

emma照看她的宠物狗是她的所有朋友中___careful细心的,形容词原级;most careful最细心的,形容词最高级;more carefully更细心地,副词比较级;the most carefully最细心地,副词最高级。这里是把emma放在所有朋友中进行比较,属于多者之间的比较,因此本句应用最高级,排除a、c;因句子谓语动词look after为行为动词短语,应用副词修饰。故选d。

2015广东广州】22. the boy looked __because he didn’t pass his maths exam.

a. sadb. sadness c. saddest d. sadly

2015山东滨州】24. —do you like zhang bichen’s song?

yes. she is the winner of the voice of china iii. i can’t think of anyone with a __voice.

a. bestb. betterc. worsed. worst

24. b【解析】考查形容词的比较级。句意为“你喜欢张碧晨的歌吗?

”“是,她是《中国好声音》第三季的年度总冠军,我认为在没有任何人有更好的嗓音了。”best最好的,good/well的最高级;better是good/well的比较级;worse是bad的最高级; worst是bad的比较级。根据句意可知张碧晨的声音是最好的,此处用比较级表达最高级的意思,选项b符合题意。


解题突破点】此题的突破点在于否定句中的anyone,任何一个,可知用比较级表达最高级的含义,排除选项a和 d项。再根据句意可知她唱得好,所以排除c项。

2015山东滨州】27. —i still want to drink something. may i h**e __cup of juice?

certainly. here you are.

a. otherb. morec. anotherd. else

27. c【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:

“我还是想要喝点东西?我能 __一杯橘汁吗?”“当然了,给你”other其他的,修饰名词,放在名词的前面; more再,又;放在量词的后面;another再,又;泛指再一个,放在量词的前面;else其他的,修饰疑问词和不定代词。


2015山东泰安】23. —how are you getting along with your english study?

much better. i don’t feel it as __as before.

a. interesting b. much c. difficult d. easy

23. c【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为“你的英语学习进展怎样?

”“好多了。我感觉它不和以前一样 。”interesting有趣的; much 许多;difficult困难的;easy容易的。


2015重庆a】38. he has __arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand.

a. weakest b. weaker c. strongest d. stronger

38. d【解析】考查形容词比较级用法。句意:他现在有比较壮的胳膊,能够用一只手提起桌子。指“他的胳膊现在比(以前)壮”。所以用比较级。

2015安徽】41. now people h**e more free time. square dancing is becoming more and more

a. comfortable b. difficult c. differentd. popular

2015江苏连云港】8. —why are you looking___in class all day?

—because i can’t finish my homework until eleven every night.

a. awake b. asleepc. sleeping d. sleepy

8. d【解析】考查形容词。句意:



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