英语实用文体写作系列 8会议记录

发布 2021-05-06 19:18:28 阅读 8485

unit 8

会议事务(conference business)





1、 会议时间、地点(date and place)

2、 会议主持(presenting office)

3、 会议主题(subject)

4、 会议类别(type of meeting)

5、 出席人员(members present)

6、 缺席者(absentees)

7、 会议发言、讨论纪要(summary of speeches and discussions)

8、 结束时间(time of adjournment)

9、 记录人签名(signature)


1、 记录应客观、清楚、简明、完整。

2、 一般采用过去式、间接引语。

3、 尽量避免使用抽象、概念性词语,如:“人事办公室”应写成“the personnel department”,而不应简单写为“the office”。

4、 尽量避免使用感**彩较浓的词语,如:good, poor, as usual, mr. johns disagreed with the committee…

5、 当提及某人时,其姓名、头衔应一并使用。

6、 总结会议情况时,不要漏掉重要事项,如:某提议由谁提出?由谁附议?有多少人赞同?有多少人反对?

7、 要有记录整理人签名。如果记录时有一个人整理,另一个人打印,则应标注其姓名的首字母缩写。


会议记录(meeting minutes form)

例一。class meeting minutes of class three, grade one

time: friday afternoon, june 2, 2006

place: classroom 301 of the english department building

attending: all the students except yang ling

observing: teacher liu

chairman: monitor li yong

minutes keeper: zhou tao

topic for discussion: how to review the lessons in preparation for the final exam.

the contents are as follows:

ch: comrades, is everyone here now? who will check the attendance?

a: let me count the member present… only one is absent. who is it?

b: oh, yes, it is yang ling, who is on sick le**e.

ch: then, let’s begin our meeting, shall we?

cries: order! order! the meeting is going to begin.

ch: the topic for discussion today is :“how shall we review the lessons in preparation for the forthcoming final exam?

who’d like to speak first? ”li ying, it seems you h**e got something to say, h**en’t you?

l: all right, let me say something, i think it won’t be very helpful if we organize into small groups, say, into groups of five, or at least seven. what do the other comrades think?

d: i think that’s a good idea. and that was just what we did last term.

the result was quite good….

j: that’s a very wonderful idea. i quite agree with you.

but sometimes there may occur questions which we can not solve ourselves. and in such cases, i think we may ask the teacher for coaching, what do you all think?

cries: “very good,” i quite agree,” ok”, good idea”.

ch: all right. we h**e done a good job of discussion today.

we shall prepare for the exam as we h**e just agreed. let’s now ask teacher liu to say something to us.

t: comrades, your meeting is a success. the way you are to take to review the lessons is quite right.

individual efforts and group discussion should be combined with emphasis on the former. i am sure, in so doing you will reap good results. that’s all.

ch: does anybody h**e anything more to say?__well, then, the meeting is closed.

meeting closed at 5:00


























is on sick le**e她在休病假。

2. at least

3. agree with you同意。

4. in such cases在这种情况下。

5. individual efforts and group discussion should be combined with emphasis on the former.


例二。meeting minutes of student union

time: thursday afternoon, april 2, 2006

place: classroom 301 of building one

attending: all the members of student union

observing: teacher zhang

chairman: sun hua

minutes keeper: zhang qiang

topic for discussion: things on forthcoming english speech contest

the contents are as follows:

ch: comrades, is everyone here now? who will check the attendance?

a: let me count the member present… everyone is here.

ch: then, let’s begin our meeting, shall we?

b: order! order! the meeting is going to begin.

ch: the topic for discussion today is :“things on forthcoming english speech contest.

who’ d like to speak first? ”li hong, it seems you h**e got something to say, h**en’t you?

l: all right, let me say something, i think we should first call upon students to participate in it. and then we first choose those who do well in classes, ask them to practice more in order to make much progress in english speech contest.

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