visual basic程序设计作业答案。
1.b 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.d 11.c 12.b 13.d 14.c 15.a 16.b 17.c 18.b 19.d 20.b
4.option base 1
(2) sqr(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
(3) sin(45*3.14/180)
12.(1)x>=1 and x<12
(2) a+b>=c or a-c<=c
(3) a>0 and b>0 or(a<0 and b<0)
14.for while do
private sub command1_click()
dim x as single, y as single
x = val(
if x < 100 then
y = xelse
if x < 200 then
y = 9.5 * x
elseif x < 300 then
y = 0.9 * x
elseif x < 500 then
y = 0.8 * x
elsey = 0.7 * x
end if
end if
end if
end if
= yend sub
private sub form_load()
dim x as integer
x = 100
do until x > 200
if x mod 3 <>0 then
= &str(x) &chr(13) &chr(10)
end if
x = x + 1
loopend sub
private sub form_click()
print "*tab(9);3,tab(18);6;tab(27);9;tab(36);12
printfor i=15 to 18
print i;
for j=3 to 12 step 3
print tab(3*j);j*i;
next j
next i
end sub
private sub command1_click()
unload me
end sub
private sub option1_click()
end sub
private sub option2_click()
end sub
private sub option3_click()
end sub
private sub option4_click()
end sub
private function day(n as integer)
select case n
case 0
day = 星期日" &chr(13) &sunday)"
case 1
day = 星期一" &chr(13) &monday)"
case 2
day = 星期二" &chr(13) &tuesday)"
case 3
day = 星期三" &chr(13) &wednesday)"
case 4
day = 星期四" &chr(13) &thursday)"
case 5
day = 星期五" &chr(13) &friday)"
case 6
day = 星期六" &chr(13) &saturday)"
end select
end function
private sub text1_keypress(keyascii as integer)
dim n as integer
n = val(
if keyascii = 13 then
if n >=0 and n < 7 then
= day(n)
elsemsgbox "请输入0~6之间的整数!"
end if
end if
= len(
end sub
private sub picture1_mousedown(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)
if button = 2 then
msgbox "you pressed right button"
= vbarrow
end if
end sub
private sub picture1_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)
= vbuparrow
end sub
private sub form_load()
end sub
private sub command1_click()
if <>then
elsemsgbox "请在文本框中输入信息!"
end if
end sub
private sub command2_click()
end sub
private sub command3_click()
if = 修改" then
= false
= false
= "修改确认"else
= true
= true
= "修改"
end if
end sub
private sub list1_click()
if <>1 then
= true
= true
end if
end sub
visual basic程序设计 课程作业 四 1 单项选择题。1 ado控件属于activex控件,使用之前必须microsoft ado data conctrol 6.0 ole db 其添加到工具箱中,添加ado控件的菜单为 a 工程 引用b 工程 部件 c 工具 选项d 工程 添加文件 2...
沈阳广播电视大学。开放教育期末大作业。课程名称 visual basic程序设计。姓名教育层次专科。学号省级电大沈阳广播电视大学 专业分校。辅导教师教学点。一 单项选择题。1 后缀为。frm的文件表示 a 类模块文件b 窗体文件。c 标准类模块文件d 窗体二进制数据文件。2 窗体的load事件的触发...
实验报告要求 按以下格式和要求在实验报告纸上写实验报告 2 实验报告一共写6次。其中。实验一和实验二合写一份。实验四和实验五合写一份。实验七和实验八合写一份。实验三和实验六各写一份。3 实验报告的内容写每次实验课时候老师布置的作业。在作业较多的情况下,至少选择本次实验的两个内容来写。4 实验报告由学...