年初中常考近义词辨析练习 1 含答案及详解

发布 2021-05-04 19:56:28 阅读 5587

many much more a lot a lot of (lots of)

1. how __bananas do you want?

2. how __fruit would you like to buy?

3. there aren’teggs in the basket.

4. there isn’t __milk in the glass.

5. i was ill yesterday. but i feel __better now.

6. we can learn __from the book.

7.__of us like playing basketball.

8. kate is __younger than mary.

9. there is __rain in the spring than in the autumn here.

答案: lot of; a lot of; lot;

注释:many修饰可数名词复数;much修饰不可数名词;a lot of/ lots of 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词;a lot 相当于名词,“许多”的意思;more更多的,用于比较级,通常和“than”连用。

some any no

1. are there __eggs in the basket?

2. there is __milk in the glass, and you can drink it.

3. “would you like __bananas?” no, thanks.”

4. “do you h**e __idea about it?” no, i h**e __idea.”

5. look at the children. _are singing, _are dancing.

6. we study chinese, english, math, and __other subjects.

7. chinese is more popular than __other subject.

8. i am tired and i can’t go __further.

9. i don’t feel __better now.

答案: some;


what how

1.__is the weather today?

2.__is the weather like today?

3. i don’t know __to do.

4. i don’t know __to do it.

5do you like the food?” very much.”

6. _do you think of this movie?

7.__do you like about china? the people and the food.

8. he doesn’t know __to do with this broken bike.

9. can you tell me __to deal with this problem?

10. “is he like?” he is serious and kind.”

11does he look like?” he is tall and has curly hair.”

答案: 注释:询问天气有两个句型:

how is the weather?/ what is the weather like? ;3,4两个句子中从句部分,如果不定式”to do”后面不接任何名词或代词,从句引导词用”how”, 反之,则用”what”; 5句,询问程度用”how”; 6句,what do you think of + 某人/某事物——你觉得---怎么样?

;8,9句与3,4句做法相同;10,11句,固定句型:what is he like?他性格怎么样?

/ what does he look like?他长什么样?

h**e has there is there are is there are there

1. how many minutesin an hour?

2. wemany flowers in our garden.

3.__you an iphone5? =do you __an iphone5?

4a blackboard and a lot of desks in the classroom.

5four seasons in a year.

6. one of my friends __a plane.

7a lot of milk in the bottle.

8three bottles of milk in the fridge.

9. he __a pen in his hand.

10any cheese on the plate?

11any people in the classroom?

12. therea football match tomorrow.

13. therea church here. (过去有).

14. theresomebody in the office. (一定有)

答案: there; h**e; is; are; is; are; there; there; be; to be; be

注释:h**e, has“有”,主语只能是人,第一二人称及第三人称复数用h**e,第三人称单数用has;there be句型也表示“有”的意思,4,5句要注意there be 句型的“就近原则”,即:be动词用单数还是复数要看其后的名词或代词是单数还是复数,如果是单数be动词就用单数,反之用复数;7句,milk是不可数名词,be动词用单数;8句,虽然milk不可数,但紧跟there be 句型后的名词是bottles(复数),所以按就近原则,应该用” there are”; 10句,cheese不可数,所以be动词用单数,11句中,people是可数名词复数(people单复数同形),所以be动词用复数;12句,tomorrow 暗示事情应该发生在将来,所以用there will be(将来会有---13句,there used to be过去有---14句,there must be 一定有---

good well fine nice

1. tom is a __boy .he plays football very __

2. he is __at math and she does __in english

3. it’s a __day. let’s go for a walk

4. this kind of food is __to eat

5. do you know tom? yes , i know him very __

6. she sings __and dances __

7. how are youthank you, and you?

8. he feels __enough to go to school now.

9. sports are __for our health

10. the __teacher is alwaysto her students

答案: well; well; well; good

注释:四个词都有“好“的意思,good常用在名词前做定语,或用在”be”动词后面做表语,不能用在动词后修饰该动词;well 可用在动词后修饰该动词,也可表示状态好,身体好;fine 可形容天气好(晴朗),还可用来回答“how are you?你好吗?

”表示自己很好;nice 有“漂亮”的意思,常指外形(貌)好。注意几个固定搭配—— be good at = do well in 擅长做某事;be good for 对---有好处;be good to sb. 对某人好;be good to do sth.


年初中常考近义词辨析练习 I 含答案及详解

1.he to me,i m going to see a film.2.may i to jack?hold on a moment,please 3.they with each other,but i don t know what they are about.4.he me he was ...

年初中常考近义词辨析练习 I 含答案及详解

1.he to me,i m going to see a film.2.may i to jack?hold on a moment,please 3.they with each other,but i don t know what they are about.4.he me he was ...


一。on表示在一物体上,强调两物相接触,over也表示在一物体上,但强调覆盖这一物体。试比较 she put her coat on the bed.她把大衣放在床上。she put her coat over the sleeping baby.她把大衣盖在那正在睡觉的孩子身上。there s a...