
发布 2021-05-04 16:46:28 阅读 4370


unit3 vocabulary




days, i’m变得) fatter . what should i do ?2.

“advice”means a helpful建议).3. do you know a cow has four胃)?

sat靠近) to his mother with his eyes half to the winner on his great成就).6. his parents are严格的) with him than hers with her.

7. finally, students should also make enough time for their嗜好).8.

do you often复习) for your lessons at home.9. some students h**e nocommunicate) with family members.

10. the place isthan before. many machines are workingnoise)二、



change) a lot in the past ten theyargue) over there. what happened to them? don’t know when hecome ) tomorrow.

when heplease tell me.

to our teacher. icatch) up with my classmates.5.

whynot play) basketball instead ofswim) often spend some timeh**e) a communication with my wallspaint)white someonelaugh) at you , you should pay no attention to him.. you likegive) an idea ofsolve) the problem? five years since imeet) you last.

三、选择题。 is said that you

___a lovely dog.

gotc. h**e

gotd. had(

2.-sam doesn’t dohe is notto carry the he**y box.

strong enough

b. exercises, strong enough

c. exercise, enough strong

d. exercises, enough strong

doesn’t h**e time___me. but he has timebasketball.

playto play

to playing

d. to, to playing(

always advises mesmoke. i think it’s

to , a good advice

a piece of good advice

to, an good idea

to , a piece of good advice(

you finish __the job withpeople andmoney?

fewer, less

do, less , fewer

c. doing, fewer, fewer

doo, less, less(

6. nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in


b. two-days time

c. two day’s time

d two days time.(

questiondifficult as you go to higher levels.



8. i will __when i __low marks. sad, get

h**e sad, got get(

old man livesbut he doesn’t feel


aloned. lonely, lonely(

are __little children that you can’t look after __many by yourself at the same time.

suchb. such; such

c. such ; so

d. so; so四、


1、老师叫我们每天按时交作业。the teacher asked us toevery day.3、我不能决定什么时候能把时间放在我的兴趣爱好上。

i can’t decide4、这位学生上课不能集中精力听老师讲课5、她正在复习准备测验。

shethe test.

6、然而,放学后花数小时踢足球或呆在外面很晚是不明智的。__it’snothours __footballl or7、他们的父母要求他们要严于律己,宽厚待人8、算出你需要多少时间完成所有作业。这将会给你知道你有多少业余时间。

how much time youyour homework all.

this will give youhow much __time you h**e.9、他们的建议对你来说可能是非常宝贵的。


don’tyour bobby,but don’t forget about your11、当有太多要做,我会生气,因为我没有时间放在我的爱好上。

iwhenbecause i won’t h**e time __my五、首字母填空。

some people just can not d___what to do all by themselves. they often ask for thea___of their friends. but they never do a___their friends h**e said.

my friend jack iss___a person, and he is always asking me for help. i try to help him as well as i can, but henever l___to me. yesterday i tried a new way to make him take my advice.

it w___look,” he said,s___me a letter.“ what doyou think i should do? ”the letter told him thatthere was a good job for him.

it s___to be a good chance for a young artist. his teacher

would send him to australia to work. the job would p___very well , and he would be ableto tr**el and visit many interesting places.“what do you think ofthis, rose?

” he asked,“ if i takethe job, i will h**e to stay in australia for two years. i may stay a bit longer. but it would be awonderful time for me.

should i go, rose?”

don’t go,” i told him, “you’ll s___a lot there.” don’t go?” helooked s___atmy answer.

as you h**e pknown , jack went. i wonder whether he found that i reallywanted him to t___the job.

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