
发布 2023-05-20 03:47:28 阅读 7816

2014新版牛津译林9a unit3练习-grammar-task

词汇:he seldom回复)to the e-mails his friends send him. (常州)

our teachers always say, "study hard and make进步) every day. "

do you h**e any difficulty发音) these french words?

if you can answer all the questions正确地) ,you will get a gift from the host.

i thinkfriend) is more important than money.

thank you very much for解决) the chemistry problem i:or me.

in this game, if you answer a questioncorrect), you will get 'ohe point.

单项选择:1. there are a number of things __him these days.

he did nothing butwine yesterday evening.

a. worried; drinkb. worrying; to drink

c. worried about: to drinkd. worrying; drink

2. the maths problem is so difficult. they werewhen i came into the study. .

a working it on b. working on it c. working out it d. working it out

3. -what about h**ing a drink

a. help yourself b. never mind c. you're right d. good idea

4. i wonderour sports meeting will be held. can it be next week?

whatc. when d. if

5. -do you know

-i'm not sure. maybe an english teacher

a what the beautiful lady with glasses is b. what is the beautiful lady with glasses

c. who the beautiful lady with glasses is d. who is' the beautiful lady with glasses

6. -h**e you heard d**id cheated(作弊) in the final exam?

--really? we never doubtd**id is honest or not. it can't be true.

b. if- c. whether d. how

7. -how is helen in the new school?

-she is doing very well. there isto

a. nothing; worry aboutb. nothing; worry

c. something; worry aboutd. something; worry

8. -i’m thinking of the cctv english competition next week. i’m afraid i can’t do very well.


i’m sure you’ll make it.

a. all right b. good luck c. well done d. cheer up

9. -i am very worried about tomorrow’s maths test. i am afraid i can’t pass this time. (南京)

i’m sure you’ll make it.

a. no problem b. that’s right c. cheer up d. don’t mention it

10. -mrs black, could you give me some advice on how to written an application letter? (11南京)

---with pleasure. remember that the letter should be written in the formal __

a. value b. style c. effect d. mood

11. -it’s said that aliens tried to warn the astronauts on the moon to2011南京)

---maybe they didn’t like human beings to get close to them.

a. stay up b. stay out c. stay away d. stay behind

12. the art exhibition is really worth __and you’re sure to learn a lot from it. (2011南通)

a. visit b. to visitc. visited d. visiting

动词填空:10. jenny, the package you're looking forward toarrive) just now.


do you h**e any close friends


i've had some problems with my schoolwork. i'm wonder


many teenagers don't understand


i used toin the future.

5. 不用担心戴维。他用英语来清楚表达自己毫无困难。

you don't need to worry about d**id. hein english.

6. 嘲笑一个陷入困境的人是不礼貌的。

it's7. 1/4的学生在英语上没有取得一点进步,***很担心。

one fourths of the students h**eenglish. mrs li

8. 许多与我女儿同龄的孩子喜欢看动画片。

like watching cartoons

9. 一些父母太多关注孩子每次考试的分数是不明智的。

it's not wise of some parentsafter each exam.


shehis friends’ help at last.


初中英语学习材料。madeofjingetieji 9a 期末复习1 1 the man is of中等的 height but very fat.2 the受害者 names were listed in yesterday s news 3 i wonder who played the lea...


9a unit 5 句型 短语 1 1.令人愉快的事something pleasant 2.艺术形式art forms an art form 3.天赋musical talent 4.颁发一枚奖牌present a medal 5.这乐曲由 谱写the music was written by ...


9a unit 5 句型 短语 1 1.令人愉快的事something pleasant 2.艺术形式art forms an art form 3.天赋musical talent 4.颁发一枚奖牌present a medal 5.这乐曲由 谱写the music was written by ...