2019高考英语短语总结 牛津译林版 8 unit

发布 2021-06-03 19:51:28 阅读 8332


module 8 unit 1 the written word

1. the antiques of the literary world文学界的遗产。

2. the classics are left to gather dust on shelves.经典文学常常被遗忘在书架上尘封不动。

their spare time在他们空闲的时候4. an award-winning film获奖电影5. best-known works知名著作。

6. replace books in print代替已印刷的书籍。

7. h**e a place in the world在世界上有一定的地位8. a guide to poetry诗歌导读。

9 . would rather do sth than do sth宁愿做。而不愿做10.

one chapter at a time一次一章11. be well received受到好评。

nothing to do with ..与。没有关系13. on stage在舞台上14. be set in以…为背景。

15. set sb free from…把某人从…中解放出来16. be lost to the world世界失去了。

17. h**e prejudice against sb./ be predudiced against对某人有偏见18.

add to增添add… to..把…加到…add up to加起来一共19. make the abrupt decision做出突然的决定。

20. can hardly wait to do/can’t wait to do迫不及待做。

long不久it is a long time before...过了很长时间才。22. be bent on doing sth.决心做…

22. beseen as…被看成是be considerd as/ be looked on as/ be thought of as/ be regarded as23. sb is taken to court某人被送上法庭。

24. make the acquaintance of the man与那个人相识25. make… out of…用…制成…

26. i don’t like the classics that/so much.我并不是那么喜欢经典文学。

27. be filled with sorrow满是愧疚28. h**e little talent for没有…才能29.

be suitable for适合于…be suitable to do适合做某事30. far from远离。

31. as a result结果,因此32. at the sight of…一看到33. be abused by被。侮辱。

34. become a servant to sb.成为某人的仆人35. encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做…36. give away泄露。

works well起到很好的作用38. earn one’s living谋生39. shorten one’s life夭折。

40. lead sb. to do sth.领导某人做某事41. mourn one’s death悼念亡人42. donate … to …把…捐献给…

43. the monument to sb.某人的纪念碑44. tend to do sth有做…的趋势。

45. be intended to do sth.是用来做…46..consist of构成。

47. make a lot of money赚钱 to属于。

49. compare...to把。比喻成。

50. the book was published./the book came out.

这本书出版了。51. from beginning to end从头到尾。

52. convince sb. to adopt a certain point of view说服某人接受某种观点convince sb.

of sth.使某人相信53….disklike it when/if...

54. develop the shortcomings of养成了。坏毛病55. be embarrassed by尴尬。

56. be thrown out of被扔出了。

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