seating the guests
reservation 预约 show 带领
主要句型:welcome to our restaurant.
h**e you made a reservation with us?
i will show you to your table.
情景会话:a: welcome to our restaurant. h**e you made a reservation with us?
b: yes. our table is no.6.
a: this way, please. i will show you to your table.
b: that’s fine. 好的。
用法说明:no.意为“第……个,第……号”,放在数字之前,如no. 1(第一)、no.2 (第二); no. 3 (第三);no. 10(第十)等。
expect 意为“期待;盼望”,在这里是一种尊敬的说法。
this way (这边走)是 go this way的省略形式。could you follow me? 是引座员带座的常用语。
a: welcome to our hotel. h**e you made a reservation with us?
欢迎您来我们酒店。 您已经在我们酒店预定房间了吗?
b: yes. it’s room 18.
是的。 18号房间。
a: we are expecting you, sir. this way, please. i’ll show you to your room.
先生, 我们正在等您呢? 请这边走。 我将带您到您的房间去。
替换练习:1. welcome to our restaurant. 欢迎光临本店。
teahouse 茶馆。
2. h**e you made a reservation with us? 您有没有预订?
here 在这儿。
小市民日常英语会话 饭店引座篇
小市民日常英语会话 饭店引座篇。seating the guests带位。基本词汇 reservation预约show带领。主要句型 welcome to our restaurant.欢迎光临本店。h e you made a reservation with us?您有没有预订?i will s...
小市民日常英语会话 饭店引座篇
小市民日常英语会话 饭店引座篇。seating the guests带位。基本词汇 reservation预约show带领。主要句型 welcome to our restaurant.欢迎光临本店。h e you made a reservation with us?您有没有预订?i will s...
小市民日常英语会话 饭店引座篇
seating the guests 带位。基本词汇 reservation 预约 show 带领 主要句型 welcome to our restaurant.欢迎光临本店。h e you made a reservation with us?您有没有预订?i will show you to y...