小市民日常英语会话 告别篇

发布 2021-05-04 00:29:28 阅读 7978

parting 告别(1)

基本词汇:on 在(某一天)

friday 星期五

on friday 在星期五

see you. 再见。

主要句型:so nice to know you.


glad to h**e met you.


情景会话:a: so nice to know you.


b: glad to h**e met you. good night.


a: good night. see you on friday.


b: see you then.


用法说明:glad to h**e met you.是认识了您很高兴的意思, 这是分别时所说的话。

glad to meet you. 是见面时的用语,不要混淆。good night.

用升调,这是晚间分别时的客套话。晚间见面时应当说 good evening.。

在英语中,告别是比较讲究的,通常不会突然分手或者匆匆离去,一般的情况下,是先结束谈话,然后再告别离开。通常告别前的用语表明了谈话快要结束了,比如说: so nice to know you.

或 so nice to h**e met you. 因为直接说再见会被视为不礼貌。


a: well. i don’t want to take too much of your time.

那么, 我不想花您太多的时间。

b: not at all, it’s nice seeing you again.

没关系, 能再次见到您真是太好了。

a: nice seeing you again too.


b: ok. thanks for coming.

真的, 感谢您的光临。

a: good-bye.

再见。b: bye.


1. nice seeing you again too.


meeting 遇见。

2. thanks for coming.


inviting me 邀请我。

showing me around 带我游览。

seeing me off 为我送行

parting 告别(2)

基本词汇:say 说

now 现在

warm 热情的

reception 接待。

hospitality 好客

mention 提及

certainly 当然

主要句型:thank you for your warm reception and hospitality.


we hope you'll visit hangzhou again.


情景会话:a: we h**e to say goodbye now.


b: thank you for your warm reception and hospitality.


a: don't mention it. we hope you'll visit hangzhou again.

别客气。 希望您再到杭州来。

b: certainly. i'd be glad to.

那当然。 我会的。


主人也会用诸如 it’s my pleasure. 或 don’t mention it. 的客套话作答,然后说h**e a nice trip. 祝客人一路顺风,旅途愉快。

i’d be glad to. 就是 i’d be glad to visit hangzhou again.的省略形式。

we hope you will visit hangzhou again.是希望您再次来杭州的意思,如果希望再来中国就说 we hope you will visit china again.



a: it’s nice of you to see me off at the airport. thank you very much.


b: we’ll miss you. i hope we’ll keep in touch.

我们会想念您的。 希望我们保持联系。

a: sure. you’ve been a great help to me in the past year.

那当然。 在过去的一年里您给了我很大的帮助。

b: it’s my pleasure. please give my best regards to your family.

我很乐意那样做。 请向您的全家转达我衷心的问候。

a: i will. it’s almost time to board. good-bye。

好的。 该登机了。 再见。

b: bye-bye! h**e a pleasant journey!

再见! 旅途愉快!

替换练习:we hope you'll visit hangzhou again.


come to see us 来看我们。

keep in touch with us与我们保持联系。

come a second time 再来。

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