单词学习游戏 猜单词

发布 2021-05-01 02:15:28 阅读 1482

单词学习游戏-猜单词1. eddy

a. a circular movement of water, wind, dust, mist,smoke, etc.

b. a continuously moving mass of liquid or gas, flowing through slower-moving liquid or gas.

c. the way or direction in which anything, esp. water 英['ed]




2. primeval

a. of the earliest period of the earth’s existenceb. of or belonging to a time before recorded history

c. of the middle ages, the period in history between about 1100 and 1500primeval美[pra'miv()l]英[pra'miv()l]


3. imminent

a. expected, intended

b. which is going to happen very soonc. planned for the near futureimminent


adj.即将发生的;临近的逼近的;即将来临的;迫近的4. quarter

a. a period of two weeks or 14 daysb. a period of seven days

c. three months of the year, esp. for ****** paymentsquarter




quartering;搭配residential quarter;report quarter;previous quarter;

例句represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar.表示生产日历中每一年的第几个季度。

5. loll

a. to be in a lazy loose positionb. to wait for a time instead of goingc.

to move on or move about, stopping oftenloll美[lɑl]英[ll]



6. usher

a. a woman who does this, esp. in a theatre or cinema

b. a person who leads others to their seats in a theatre, cinema, church,meeting, etc.

c. a person, often in ships or aircraft, who goes with another as a guide, helper,guard, or as an honorusher美['r]英['(r)]


7. terminus

a. a large notice or a book which shows the times when trains, buses, etc. arriveand depart

b. the end of a railway line or of a distance tr**elled by a bus, etc.

c. a board in a station which shows the times when trains, buses, etc. arrive anddepart and where they do thisterminus美['trmns]英['t(r)mns]


8. dormant

a. being acted on but doing nothing in returnb. perhaps beautiful, but not really necessary

c. inactive, esp. not actively growing or producing typical effectsdormant



1.碰地雷 在英语单词教学中,学生不太愿意跟读。用此法不错。在一些词下放地雷,这个词是不能读的,如果学生不小心跟读,就是踩到雷了。大家一起数one,two three,bomb,向他砸过去。2.拍皮球 1 学生分两组坐在原位,合上眼,教师为两组打分。2 教师拍皮球,学生默数教师拍了几下。假设教师拍了...


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巧用游戏,高效学习英语单词。作者 张萍。小学教学参考 综合 2017年第12期。摘要 游戏在英语教学中的应用十分普遍,在单词学习中,教师可以运用游戏的形式,调动学生学习单词的积极性和主动性,让学生在竞争与合作中愉快地进行英语单词学习,熟练掌握英语单词,并学会准确 灵活应用,提高英语单词学习的有效性。...