小升初英语重点题型训练 11情景交际 原卷

发布 2021-04-29 10:20:28 阅读 2590










( )1.下午与同学见面,你应说:

a. good afternoon. b. what’s your name? c. how are you?


a. hib. helloc. good night!


a. good morningb. please sit down.

c. than youd. nice to meet you.


a. please come inb. good morningc. stand up.


a. how old are you? b. how are youc. how do you do?

三、阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。 (10 分)

tom hello, this is tom. can i spea to mimi, please?

mimi’s mum hello, tom.1mimi is doing the dishes in the itchen.

tom o. than you.

mimi’s mum mimi, 2

mimi than you, mum.

mimi comes and answers the phone.)

mimi hello, tom. it’s mimi.

tom mimi, let’s go to the library tomorrow.

mimi oh, sorry, tom. i can’t go with you. i am going to coo dinner tomorrow.

tom but why?

mimi 3

tom oh, your mum’s birthday! 4

mimi i am going to coo some noodles.

tom 5mimi it’s easy. first, put some water in the pot and then put the noodles. in several minutes, they are ready.

tom wow! you are great. h**e a nice weeend.

mimi than you. bye.



a hello, li ming.

b hello, li lei.__1___are they?

a oh, sorry. this is lucy. this is lily.

they are twins. lucy, this is my friend, li ming.

c hi, li ming. _2___to __3___you.

b nice to meet you, _4___what class are you __5___

d we’re in class 2, grade 1.

b oh, very good. we are in the same __6___

d by___7___89___you japanese?

b __10___i’m chinese.


a good morning1___

b yes,i’d lie a birthday card.

a___2b no,i,d lie one for my mother.

as what a good daughter3___

b it loos nice. but my mother doesn’t lie red.


b she lies blue and green5___

a of course. here you are.

b it’s nice. it’s my mother’s f**ourite6___

a two yuan, please.

a. do you want it for your teacher?

b. how much is it?

c. can i help you?

d. what is her f**ourite colour?

e. can i loo at that green one?

f. what about this one?

五、从方框中选择恰当的句子,将对话补充完整。(10 分)

a—mr. blacb—shop assistant

a good morning.

b good morning. welcome! 1

a will you show me some t-shirts?

b sure. 2

a sie fourteen.

b 3a white.

b here you are. this is the best in our shop.

a good. 4

b eleven dollars.

a 5please. here’s twenty five dollars.

b here’s your change. than you.



a can i __youb than you. i’d __a watermelon.

athis big oneb it’s very nice. how much is it?

a seven yuan. anythingb i __some strawberries, too.

ado you wantb two ilos.

a o. here you arebare they?

a si yuanb here’s the money.

a thansb you’re welcome.



a good afternoon, tom.

b good afternoon, lucy. nice __1___see you here.

a i __2___to this neighbourhood last monday.

b __3___to my neighbourhood.

a than you. _4___the way, i want to___5___some food for supper. where is the grocery shop?

b go__6___7___this road. when you__8___to the main street, turn right. and turn right___9___you will see a blue building on the left.

it’s___10___to find.

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