
发布 2022-11-26 05:10:28 阅读 9459


) 1.当你第一次见到某人时,你能够说:

a. how are you? b. nice to meet you. c. oh, thank you.

) 2.当你生病时,别人询问你的身体情况,你能够说:

a. not bad, thank you. b. not so good. c. i'm fine, thank you.

) 3.老师叫刘涛回家,会说:

home , liu tao. b. get up , liu tao. up , liu tao.

) 4.客人到你家,你询问他要不要喝杯茶,你会说:

a. a glass of juice? b. a cup of tea? c. some coffee?

) 5.奶奶请你帮她开门,她会怎么说:

a .all right. the door, please. you.


( )1. 你让妈妈打开灯, 你会对她说。

a. turn on the light, please. b. open the light, please. c. turn off the light.

)2. 当你看见远处有一件夹克衫时,你会说:

a. what’s a jacket. b. that’s a jacket. c. this is a jacket.

)3. 夏天你会选择穿:

a. coat b. sweater c. t-shirt

4. this is __orange sofa.

a. a b. the c. an

) 5. look at my new shirt.

a. it’s blue. b. it’s smart. c. it’s pretty.

)1 晚上睡觉前妈妈跟你道晚安时会对你说:

a. go to bed now. night. c. goodbye.

) 7.当你生病时,别人询问你的身体情况,你能够说:

a. not bad, thank you. b. not so good. c. i'm fine, thank you.

)8. 你要告诉别人你的头发是长的时应该说:

a. my hair is black. b my hair is long c. my hair is short.

) 9. —go __home now, mike. —all right.

a. too b. to c. ∕

) is my mother,__

a. mr. black b. miss black c. mrs black


) 1. 当你想把王兵介绍给别人时,能够说:

a. i’m wang bing. b. this is my father. c. this is wang bing.

) 2is it?

it’s red.

a. what colour b. what’s colour c. how colour

) 3. 当你感到口渴时,你能够说:

a. a hamburger, please. b. a glass of juice, please. c. an egg, please.

) 4. i’m lucy. i’m __english girl.

a. a b. an c. the

) 5. 当你听到你的好朋友生病时,你一般会说:

a. i’m sorry. b. how are you? c. i’m fine.

) 6. 当你想赞美对方的衣服时,你能够说:

a. how nice! b. thank you. c. ok.


)1. 你让妈妈打开灯, 你会对她说。

a. turn on the light, please. b. open the light, please.

c. turn off the light.

)2. 当你看见远处有一件夹克衫时,你会说:

a. what’s a jacket. b. that’s a jacket.

c. this is a jacket.


a. how are you? b. nice to meet you. c. oh, thank you.


a. not bad, thank you. b. not so good.

c. i'm fine, thank you.


a. a glass of juice? b. a cup of tea?

c. some coffee?


a .all right. the door, please. you.


) 1.当你第一次见到某人时,你能够说:

a. how are you? b. nice to meet you. c. oh, thank you.

) 2.当你生病时,别人询问你的身体情况,你能够说:

a. not bad, thank you. b. not so good. c. i'm fine, thank you.

) 3.老师叫刘涛回家,会说:

home now, liu tao. b. get up now, liu tao. up now, liu tao.

) 4.客人到你家,你询问他要不要喝杯茶,你会说:

a. a glass of juice? b. a cup of tea? c. some coffee?

) 5.奶奶请你帮她开门,她会怎么说:

a .all right. the door, please. you.


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