
发布 2021-04-28 03:49:28 阅读 8342



m)it is my birthday today. mom is cooking lots of different things. the apple pie and cookies taste sweet and feel soft.

my friends are singing happy birthday to me. it sounds beautiful. tom gives me a model plane.

it looks so cool! lily gives me some flowers. they smell really nice.

look, what is it in mary’s box? a big chocolate cake. it tastes really good.

i love chocolate cakes because i h**e a sweet tooth. i feel quite happy today!





m: mom, what are you doing?

w: i’m cooking strawberry jam. h**e a try.

m: oh, the strawberry jam tastes a bit sour.

w: okay. i’ll put more sugar in it.

m: thank you, mom. you know i h**e a sweet tooth.

再读一遍)m: mom, what are you doing?

w: i’m cooking strawberry jam. h**e a try.

m: oh, the strawberry jam tastes a bit sour.

w: okay. i’ll put more sugar in it.

m: thank you, mom. you know i h**e a sweet tooth.




m: hi, amy. how are you today?

w: great!

m: you look very happy.

w: yes. my brother g**e me a pet dog.

m: oh, really? what does it look like?

w: it looks pretty and feels soft.

m: what it is like?

w: it is really friendly and kind. would you like to see it?

m: yes, i’d like to.

再读一遍)m: hi, amy. how are you today?

w: great!

m: you look very happy.

w: yes. my brother g**e me a pet dog.

m: oh, really? what does it look like?

w: it looks pretty and feels soft.

m: what it is like?

w: it is really friendly and kind. would you like to see it?

m: yes, i’d like to.




m: hi, emily. nice to meet you.

w: nice to meet you too.

m: how do you feel about coming to china?

w: i feel a bit sad first when i le**e home. but people here are friendly.

m: yes. we like ****** new friends. how do feel you about speaking chinese?

w: i feel quite nervous. but i’m sure i’ll be fine in the few days.

m: don’t worry. i’ll help you in class.

w: thanks a lots.

再读一遍)m: hi, emily. nice to meet you.

w: nice to meet you too.

m: how do you feel about coming to china?

w: i feel a bit sad first when i le**e home. but people here are friendly.

m: yes. we like ****** new friends. how do feel you about speaking chinese?

w: i feel quite nervous. but i’m sure i’ll be fine in the few days.

m: don’t worry. i’ll help you in class.

w: thanks a lots.





m: hi, alice. how are you today?

w: great!

m: you look very happy.

w: oh, yes. my mom made a cake fore me. here, h**e some! it really tastes delicious.

再读一遍)m: hi, alice. how are you today?

w: great!

m: you look very happy.

w: oh, yes. my mom made a cake fore me. here, h**e some! it really tastes delicious.

停顿2秒)question 1: how does the cake taste?




m: hi, betty. what are you doing?

w: i’m reading the letter from my father.

m: oh. would you like to tell me more about him? what does he look like?

w: sure, he is tall and strong.

再读一遍)m: hi, betty. what are you doing?

w: i’m reading the letter from my father.

m: oh. would you like to tell me more about him? what does he look like?

w: sure, he is tall and strong.

停顿2秒)question2: what does betty’s father look like?




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