
发布 2021-04-27 16:14:28 阅读 6737

1. 想做某事/愿意做某事:我想去美国。



2. 请求某人做某事 /叫某人做某事: 他请求我在佛山逗留几天。

请求某人不要做某事 /叫某人不要做某事: 老师叫我们不要在课堂上讲话。

3. 邀请某人去某地: 他邀请我去一个聚会。

邀请某人做某事: 我邀请她跳舞。

4. 使用某物做某事: 我会用笔写字。

5. 计划做某事: 我们家计划去香港过年。

6. 写信给某人: 你有没有经常写信给朋友?

7. 把…连接到…: 我也会把打印机连接到电脑。

8. 到某地之行:我很喜欢这次的北京之旅。

9. 寄/送某物给某人:在元旦,我通常送他一份礼物。

10. 把某物给某人:他给了我一张cd。

11. 把某物给某人看:请出示您的票。

12. 为某人制作某物:你会为妈妈做生日卡片吗?

13. 为某人买某物:爸爸给我买了一块手表。

14. 感谢某人做了某事:谢谢你的光临。

15. (建议)做某事怎么样: 去逛街怎么样?

16. 做完某事:这本**他写完了。

17. 练习做某事:她每天练习弹钢琴。

18. 喜欢做某事:我们都喜欢听**。

19. 让某人做某事:让他查一下列车时刻表。

20. 谈论……:他们喜欢谈论周杰伦。

21. 与某人交谈:我们喜欢与罗老师交谈。


22. 想出…… 认为……:你能想出一个好办法来吗?


23. 教室里没有老师也没有学生。

24. 我没有兄弟姐妹。

25. 袋子里有一些大米。

26. 你的花园里有种什么花吗?

27. 今天的报纸上有什么新的信息吗?

28. 在墙上有一些图画。

29. 我有一些图画。

30. 动物园里有三千个动物。

31. 动物园里几千/成千上万个动物。

1. would like to do --i would like to go to america.

he would like to go with me.

would you like to watch a football match with me?

2. ask sb. to do --he asks me to stay in foshan for a few days.

ask sb. not to do --the teacher asks us not to talk in class.

3. invite sb. to +地点 --he invites me to a party.

invite sb. to do --i invite her to dance.

4. use sth. to do --i can use a pen to write. =i can write with a pen.

5. plan to do --our family plan to go to hong kong for the spring festival.

6. write to sb. -do you often write to your friends?

7. connect sth. to sth. -i can also connect the printer to the computer.

8. a trip to … i enjoy the trip to beijing very much.

9. send sth. to sb. -i usually send a present to him on new year’s day.

send sb. sth. =i usually send him a present on new year’s day.

10. give sth. to sb. -he gives a cd to me.

give sb. sth. =he gives me a cd.

11. show sth. to sb. -please show your ticket to me.

show sb. sth. =please show me your ticket.

12. make sth. for sb. -can you make a birthday card for your mother?

make sb. sth. =can you make your mother a birthday card?

13. buy sth. for sb. -my father buys a watch for me.

buy sb. sth. =my father buys me a watch.

14. thank sb. for doing --thank you for coming.

15. what /how about doing --what /how about going shopping?

16. finish doing --he finishes writing the novel.

17. practice doing --she practices playing the piano every day.

18. enjoy doing --we all enjoy listening to music.

like doing = we all like listening to music.

like to do = we all like to listen to music.

19. let sb. do --let him check the train timetable.

20. talk about … we enjoy talking about jay chou.

21. talk with /to sb. -we enjoy talking with miss luo.

the teacher is talking about music with us

22. think of --can you think of a good idea?

what do you think of living in guicheng?

23. there aren’t any teachers or students. =there isn’t a teacher or a student.

24. i h**en’t got any brothers or sisters. =i don’t h**e any brothers or sisters.

25. there is some rice in the bag.

26. are there any flowers in your garden?

27. is there any new information in today’s news*****?

is there anything new in today’s news*****?

28. there are some pictures on the wall.

29. i h**e got some pictures.

30. there are three thousand animals in the zoo.

31. there are thousands of animals in the zoo.


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