强调句型与其他相似句型的区别》进阶练习 三

发布 2021-04-27 16:12:28 阅读 9480



1. it was not until she got home __jennifer realized she had lost her whenb. thatc.

whered. before(06全国卷二)

2. the foreign minister said, “our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”(04北京)

a. this isb. there isc. that isd. it is

3. _moreprosperouseconomy(06浙江)

a. asb. thatc. thisd. it


参***。1. b2. d3. d解析。

1. b如果去掉强调结构,该句是一个“not… until”句型:jennifer didn’t realize she had lost herkeys until she got home.

要强调时间状语until she got home,这时要把主句中的否定词not放在was之后。

2. d如果选a和c,指示代词this和that在句中找不出指代的内容,选b意义不通。故选d。

虽然选it is后题干**现了it is… that结构,但这不是强调句型。很明显,题干中的that从句应是主语从句,所缺的是形式主语。

3. d如果去掉it is … that,中间的our belief就无法处理,因此该句不是强调句型,而是一个复合句,it是形式主语,that引导真正主语。 japanese that we study here .

5. it was here that i frist met him .


用one,ones,it,that,those填空。1 i can t find my watch.you h en t found if you want to buy a new i suggest you buy made in china.2 we ve got a big cup and ...


高考英语核心语法学案 it的用法及强调句型。it的用法。一 it作指示代词。完成句子 用one,ones,it,that,those填空。1 i can t find my watch.you h en t found if you want to buy a new i suggest you b...


2012年高三一轮复习金子般的学案语法部分 it的用法及强调句型 新人教版 it的用法。一 it作指示代词。完成句子 用one,ones,it,that,those填空。1 i can t find my watch.you h en t found if you want to buy a new...