
发布 2021-04-27 09:08:28 阅读 2917

unit one(junior eight a

unit 10 过关单。

一、单词:1.储存 s**e16.展览会 exhibition

2.移动 move17.艺术家 artist

3.梦想 dream18.兼职的 part-time

4.传真 fax19.健康的⑵ healthy / fit

5.读者 reader20.至今;还 yet

6.女士 lady21.电脑程序员 programmer

7.旅行 tr**el22.表演;演戏 act

8.退休 retire23.交流;沟通 communicate

9.决心 resolution24.器具;乐器 instrument

10.交换 exchange25.教(过去式) teach-taught

11.工程师 engineer26.建造(过去式) build-built

12.飞行员 pilot27.生长(过去式) grow-grew

13.在某处 somewhere28.举行(过去式) hold-held

14.富有的 rich29.专业的;职业的 professional

15.外国的 foreign30.超过;在…以上 over


1.同时 at the same time12.找兼职工作 find a part-time job

2.交换生 exchange student13.举办艺术展 hold art exhibitions

3.上表演课 take acting lessons14.保持健康⑵ keep healthy/ fit

4.全世界⑶ all over/around/in/the world 15.职业篮球运动员 professional basketball player

5.成长;长大 grow up16.吃更健康的食品 eat healthier food

6.计算机科学 computer science17. 进行大量的锻炼 get lots of exercise

7.新年决心 new year’s resolution 18.与…交流;沟通 communicate with

8.电脑程序员 computer programmer 19.学会弹奏一种乐器 learn to play an instrument

9.一两年⑵ one or two years/a year or two 20.收到某人的来信⑶ get/receive a letter from sb.

10.组建足球队 make the soccer teamhear from sb.

11.拿到好成绩 get good grade21.刻苦认真地学习数学 study math hard


what are you going to be when you grow up? i am going to be an engineer.


what are you going to do? i’m going to learn computer science.


i’m going to do what i want to do.


paris sounds like a city that i could enjoy.


one day, i’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.


there is going to hold the 2008 olympic game in beijing.


some girls are going to get lots of exercise to keep healthy/fit.


she wants to find a job as a language teacher in china.


1 a sense of humor 幽默感。2 i don t think he is clever,is he?我认为他不聪明,难道不是吗?3 a time for spreading joy一个传递欢乐的时候。4 your loved ones 你所喜欢的。5 war film 战争电影。6 ...


unit10 单元过关小测试姓名 一 单词拼写。1 风俗 习俗2 鞠躬3 亲吻 接吻。4 和 打招呼 迎接5 放松的 自在的6 重视 珍视 价值。7 随便访问 随便进入8 首都 国都 毕竟 终归9 正午 中午。10 很生气 疯的11 大动肝火 气愤12 努力 尽力。13 作出努力14 护照15 把 ...


n.1.威胁,恐吓 c u to v 2.构成威胁的人 或事物 s to some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁。3.凶兆 征兆 s of the clouds brought a t...