
发布 2021-04-27 06:38:28 阅读 8918


1. he has left his book here on __so that you can read purpose b. intention c.

aim d. meaning[答案]a. purpose.


2. the magician picked several persons from the audience __andasked them to help him with the by accident b. on occasionc.

at random d. on an **erage[答案]c. at random.

注释]at random(=without aim or purpose)随便地,胡乱地:his clothes were scattered about the room at random.

by accident意外地;on occasion偶尔;on an **erage平均计算。

3. the open university was started in order to help those who __h**ing a university education when they were stopped b. failed c.

missed d. ceased[答案]c. missed.

注释]miss doing sth.没有做某事:

i missed seeing the film when it was shown at school.(学校放映那部电影时,我没有能去看。)

fly.a. shape b. pattern c. design d. model[答案]d. model.


5. if you __your demand, then maybe you will h**e more chance of

getting what you want.

a. conduct b. dismiss c. grant d. moderate[答案]d. moderate.

注释]moderate(=make or become less violent or extreme)节制,缓和,减轻。6. don't __the news to the public until we give you the go-ahead(许可,准许).

a. release b. discard c. relieve d. retain[答案]a, release.

注释]release(=allow news to be published)发布(新闻):

details of the scheme h**e not yet been released to the public.(这项计划的细节尚未向公众发布。)relieve


what will relieve a headache? this will help to relieve our hardship.2)使放心,使宽慰:

the good news relieved us, for we had been very anxious.3)赈济,救济:

the fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims.4)relieve...from(of)解除,免除;

a. this medicine will help to relieve you from your pain. b.

he was relieved of hisduties.

retain(= keep; continue to h**e or hold)保持,继续保有:1)she retains a clear memory of her schooldays.2)you must retain your tickets.

7. the storm sweeping over this area now is sure to cause __ofvegetables in the coming rarity b. scarcity c.

invalidity d. variety[答案]b. scarcity.

注释]scarcity(=the state of being scarce)缺乏;不足(指原本充足之物暂时在数量上的缺乏)。例如:

the scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.(水果的**不足是干旱所引起的。)

rarity(=sth. uncommon, unusual or sth. valued because rare)珍稀,稀少:

snow is a rarity around the equator.(雪在赤道周围是罕见之物。)

invalidity(=****** weak by illness; not suitable for use)无效性,丧失工作能力。variety(=difference of condition or quality)变化,多样化。本题译文:


8. jack almost fell off the cliff, but managed to __until help keep on b. catch on c.

count on d. hang on[答案]d. hang on.

注释]hang on(=hold fast, keep hold)牢牢抓住,抓紧不放:help! i can't hang on much longer.

(救命啊!我支持不住啦。)keep on(doing sth.

)继续(做。catch on理解;count on指望,依赖。


9. experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to __healthy.

a. preserve b. stay c. maintain d. reserve[答案]b. stay.

注释]preserve, stay, maintain, reserve这4个词均有“保持”,“维持”之意。stay后可接形容词作表语:the weather stayed wet for three days.


preserve(=keep safe from decay, risk, harm, danger, going bad etc.)保存,保护:

1)policemen preserve order in the streets.(警察在街上维持秩序。)2)we must preserve our natural resources.

(我们必须保护自然资源。)3)you paint woodwork to preserve it.(你油漆木制品以防腐烂。

)maintain(=keep up)保持,维持,维修。

reserve(=keep for a special purpose; store)保留,预定:

1)i'll reserve my opinion at his time,(这时我将保留我的看法。)

2)i'll phone up today and reserve a room.(我今天将打**预定一个房间。)本题译文:专家们说,步行是一个人保持健康的最好方法之一。

10. expected noises are usually more __than unexpected ones ofthe like magnitude.

a. manageable b. controllablec. tolerable d. perceivable[答案]c. tolerable.

注释]tolerable(=fairly good, not too bad)可忍受的:the pain has become tolerable.



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