
发布 2021-04-27 06:35:28 阅读 8459


1. we can't __one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short hope b. wait c.

expect d. imagine[答案]c. expert.


i expert the work to be finished by friday.(我期望这项工作能在星期五前做完。)wait for ..

to do sth.等待、等待。做。

强调“等”这一动词的本身,如:the audience are waiting eagerly for the performance to begin.(观众正等着演出开始。


i waited for him to arrive in time for dinner, but he didn't come.(我等他来赶上晚餐,但他没有来。)则句子使是对的。

由此可见,expect是表示“期待”,而wait for是表示“等待”,词义完全不同。注意hope后不能接sb. to do sth.

1)imagine being on the moon.

2)i'm sorry, but i can't imagine anyone doing research like that.(很遗憾,我不能想象人家那样做实验。)


2. it was necessary to __the factory building as the company wasdoing more and more business.

a. extend b. increase c. lengthen d. magnify[答案]a. extend.


spread vi.传播;vt.展开;he spread butter on the toast.


3. i asked the tailor to make a small __to my trousers because theywere too long.

a. change b. variation c. revision d. alteration[答案]d alteration.



we need some variation in our daily routine.(我们的例行公事需要作些变动。)4.

because of the strong sun mrs. william's new dining room curtains___from dark blue to gray within a faded b. fainted c.

paled d. diminished[答案]a. faded.

[注释]fadevt/vi褪色。faint晕到,变得虚弱:he fainted from 减少:

1)his illness diminished his strength.

2)the campers' food supply diminished as the days wore on.(随着日子的缓缓消逝,野营者的食品**日益减少。)pale变苍白。

5. jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _i can't speaktoo highly of him.

a. as a result b. by the wayc. on the whole d. in a word[答案]d. in a word.

注释]in a word(=in short)总之,简言之。


6. evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to___a scientific theory.

a. confirm b. confine c. conform d. conceive[答案]a. confirm.

注释]confirm(=support; make certain; give proof of)证实,确实:

1)please confirm your telephone message in writing.(请把你**中所说的话再用文字复述一篇。)

2)the king confirmed that the election would be on june 20th.(国王确认,这次选择将于六月二十日举行。)confine...


please confine your remarks to the subject we are talking about.(请把你的话限止于我们正在谈论的题目。)

conform (to)使一致,符合,遵守。conceive想到,想出:

he very quickly conceived a new plan.

注意]conceive of想象:they could not conceive of the possibility of failure.(他们不能想象失败的可能。)

their own ways b. measures c. issues d. patterns[答案]c. issues.


8. _his knowledge of the mountainous country, john smith wasappointed as our in spite of b. on account ofc.

regardless of d. instead of[答案]b. on account of

注释]on account of(=because of)由于,因为。regardless of(=without worryingabout)不顾;regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.

9. the lawyer was expected to __some proposals after reading allthose documents.

a. come up with b. put up withc. look up to d. keep up with[答案]a. come up with.

注释]come up with提出。put up with忍受;keep up with跟上,与。保持一致;

look up to尊敬。

10. while typing, helen has a habit of stopping __to give her longand flowing hair a occasionally b. simultaneouslyc.

eventually d. directly[答案]a. occasionally.



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