高一英语第四单元学案 黄志刚 10份

发布 2021-04-26 23:11:28 阅读 2912


1.scene n.(p31)景色;风景;场景;现场。

on the scene 在现场。

the sunrise is a beautiful scene.日出是一道美丽的风景。

this is the scene of the accident which happened last night.这就是昨天晚上发生事故的地方。

many people were on the scene when he was killed.当他被杀的时候有很多人在场。

2.style n.风格;式样;样子。

in style 时兴;不过时。

out of style 不时兴;过时。

his style of writing is very popular.他的写作风格很受欢迎。


adopt an idea/a plan 采纳意见/计划。

adopt a son 收养一个儿子。

adopted words 外来词。

adopt sb. as 挑选某人作为……


the boy aims to find a job after graduation.那个男孩打算毕业后找一份工。


aim to do sth. 打算做某事。

aim at...瞄准;目的在于……


be aimed at...目的是,针对……

achieve/realise one's aim 实现某人的目标。

he is working hard to achieve his aim.他正努力工作以实现他的目标。


observe sb. do sth.看到某人做(过)某事。

observe sb. doing sth.看到某人(正在)做某事。

observe a rule/the law 遵守规则/法律。

observe christmas/may day 庆祝圣诞节/五一劳动节。

the boy likes observing the stars.这个男孩喜欢观察星星。

6. get/be tired of...对……厌烦。

be/get tired with/from 因……而疲倦。

tired adj. 厌倦的;厌烦的。

tiring adj. (工作等)令人疲倦的;无聊的。

he has got tired of eating the same food every day.对于每天吃同样的食物他已经厌烦了。


he can't stand the hot weather here.他受不了这儿的热天气。

i can't stand living in such a small room.我无法忍受住在如此小的一间房子里。

stand 表示“忍受”时,通常用于否定句和疑问句中,与can/could连用,不可用于进行时。表示此意的词还有bear,tolerate等。


though he is old, he is still alive.尽管他年龄大了,但他仍有活力。


英语中有些动词和动词短语(由“动词+介词”构成)后面应接形式作宾语。常见的有admit,appreciate,**oid,consider(考虑),delay,dislike,enjoy,finish,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practise,risk,resist,suggest,be tired of,succeed in,look forward to,be used to,give up,put off,depend on,apologise for,believe in,dream of,insist on,think of,worry about,take to,object to等。



i can't afford to buy a new house.我买不起一所大房子。


h**e you decided where to spend your holiday?你决定去哪儿度假了吗?

3.it 可以充当形式宾语,指代真正的宾语不定式,可以用于该句型的动词有:consider,make,feel,find,think等。

he feels it his duty to help others.他觉得帮助别人是他的职责。

9. put off推迟,延期。后接名词或相当于delay)

put out 熄灭;扑灭。

put on 穿上;上演。

put away 收起来;放起来。

put up 举起;张贴;搭建。


beyond expression 无法表达。

without expression 毫无表情地。

express vt. 表达,表现。

express oneself 表达自己的想法或感情。

realise/realize vt.意识到;实现;领悟。

realise one's dream/goal 实现某人的梦想/目标。

come true 实现。

turn...into reality 把……变为现实。

turns轮流[后接to do不定式或(at) doing]

it is one's turn to do sth. 该轮到某人做某事了。

in turn 依次;轮流;反过来。

by turns 轮流地;依次。

we took turns to drive/at driving on the way to shanghai.在去上海的路上我们轮流开车。

of 理解,解释,对……有某种看法(常和nothing,anything,what等词连用)

make for 朝……方向前进;促进。

make out 辨认出。

make up 编造;化妆;构成;和好。

make up for 弥补。

make it 成功。


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