
发布 2021-04-26 18:12:28 阅读 7798





) 1. yellow( )

) 6. leg ( 7. pencil (

a、 铅笔 b、眼睛 c、尺子d、黄色 e、书包

f、黑色的 g、橡皮 h、学校 i、嘴 j、腿。


) 1. a pen b blue c book

) 2. a blackb dogc yellow

) 3. a crayon b hello c hi

) 4. a bag b pen c orange

) 5. a appleb brown c white


)hello, i’m sarah. this is miss white.

)good morning miss white.

1 )hello, i’m mike.

)nice to meet you , too!

)good morning mike. nice to meet you!


)1、touch the ground. a. 跺跺你的脚。

)2、what’s your name? b. 打开你的铅笔盒。

)3、stamp your foot. c. 摸地板。

)4、open your pencil--case.. d. 你叫什么名字?

)5、turn around. e. 转个圈。

)6、sit downf. 摇摇你的身体。

)7、show me your black crayon. g.摸**的头。

)8、w**e your arms. h. 坐下。

)9、shake your body. i. 挥挥你的手臂。

)10、touch your head. j. 让我看看你黑色的蜡笔。


) 1. good afternoona. good morning!

) 2. what’s your name? b. hi, i’m sarah.

) 3. helloc. fine, thank you.

) 4. byed. great!

) 5. let’s go to schoole. nice to meet you , too.

) 6. good morningf. my name’s john.

) 7. how are youg. see you!

) 8. nice to meet youh. good afternoon.

) 9. let’s painti. hi!

) wu yifanj. ok!


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