
发布 2020-04-11 06:54:28 阅读 2761


命题: 审核:__班级姓名等第。


1. 两名工厂工人2. 一名英语老师 __

3. 许多病人4. 教我们语文。

5.生产许多糖果6. a cup of green tea

to be a policeman8. 擅长溜冰___

9. write interesting stories 10. 在家工作。


1. teach(名词2. write(名词)__

3. work(名词4. cook(名词。

5. people(复数6. factory(复数。

7. policeman(复数8. sick(同义词)__

9. watch(第三人称单数)__10. go(第三人称单数)__


1. what are __them) jobs? they are farmers.

2. don’t __draw) on the table.

3. what __be) your father and mother?

5. the girl __look) happy.

6. i __like) sweets. she __like) sweets too.

7. how many __teacher) are there in your school?

8. my sister __h**e) many toy animals.

9. he can __make) cakes.

10. what __do) he like doing? he likes __dance).

11. he is a __work). he __work) in a big factory.

12whose/who’s) that woman? she is my aunt.


)1. they arethey cancars.

a. driver, drive b. drivers, drive c. driver, drives

)2. theworks on the

a. farmers, farm b. farm, farmers c. farmer, farm

)3. i can see many

a. police b. policemans c. policemen

)4. whatyour parents

a. do, do do c. do, does

)5. myisus english now.

a. teacher, teaching b. teachers, teaching c. teachers, teaches

)6. my mother is ashe likesstories.

a. writer, write writing c. writer, writes

) father is ahe likessick people.

a. doctor, help b. doctor, helps c. doctor, helping


make makes c. are, ******

)9. what __your sister __

a. do, do b. do, does c. does, do

)10. su hai’s parents are

a. cooks, c. cookes

)11. is your mother a worker? yes, she is. she __sweets.

b. make c. ******

)12. my father is a doctor, he usually __at night.

b. works c working

)13. who’s the man __

big ears b. with a big ears c. in big ears

)14. what’s that __the tree? it’s a cat.

b. on c. at

) we call a policeman a cop.

b. the us c. the uk


1、long, who’s, woman, the, with, hair

2、me, nurse, a, you, excuse, are

3、that, is, your, boy, brother

4、in, boy, tree, the, who, the, is

5、what, do, father, does, your


1. 你的叔叔是干什么的? 他是个厨师,他在酒店工作。

what __your uncle __he’s a __he __in a hotel.

2. 你的妈妈是老师吗? 是的。她教英语,她有许多学生。

___your mother a teacher?

yes, she is. she __english. she __a lot of

3. 在冬天你喜欢干什么? 我喜欢溜冰。我溜冰溜得很好。

what __you like

i likei can __well.

4. 让我们下午去游泳好吧。 我擅长游泳。

let __goi __good at


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