
发布 2021-04-26 18:09:28 阅读 2280

1.—thehurricane___toreachthecoasttomorrow morning.—ifso,we’dbettermakefullpreparationsforit.

2. -ihearthatyou’vebeenshownthenewscheme.


3.—doyouthinki'magoodsurfer? ofcourse!i___

a:amwatching b:waswatching

c:h**ewatched d:hadwatched

3(2):outside, the wind __to pick up, and the rain started coming down even harder.

a. has begun b. had begun c. would begin beginning


a:takeup b:hadtakenup

c:tookup d:hadbeentakingup

5. tom,i___ifyoucouldgivemeathree-dayle**etolookaftermybabyinhospital.


ccbbc ba

飓风 ;语义:“被预计”

2. 此处描述的是过去的事实:开会时没有阐明如何去实施;并不是在强调该动作对现在产生的影响;且现在会议已经结束。所以应使用一般过去时态的被动语态,而不能选b.

tip:按计划/规定将要完成的动作用:be to do

3. 本题考查动词的时态。由句意可知,观察(watch)这一动作发生在过去,并且是一个持续性的动作。故正确答案为b。


3(2):根据3突破口即可得到答案, started可排除ad,根据语义排除c。

4. 本题考查一般过去时的用法。由lastweekend知时态,but知前后时态应该一致,所以选择一般过去时。 self-reflection(自我反省)

5. “想知道”发生“在你看我的时候”,应该用过去进行时。故b正确。


”突破口:h**ewondered现在完成时(表结果或完成) ,但“我”仍在思考。

6. 突破口:因为and前面的分句时态为一般过去时,所以后面的句子也应该是过去的相应时态,可排除b和c;句中体现不出用过去的过去的语境,可排除d;又根据后面的alongtheway说明是在去钓鱼的一路上都在学习人生道理,所以用过去进行时;所以a选项是正确的

1.__china of those years in the hit tv series

一the legend of miyue is___china at war.

不填 ac.不填;ad.不填;不填

2. the volleyball match will be put off if it __

rain rained

3. the wolves hid themselves in the places __couldn't be found.

a that b. where which that

4. on the bus i saw a student___i thought was your brother.

a. who b. whom c. which d./

5. it is uncertain __side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients h**e taken it.

a: that b: what c: how d: whether

6. —is everyone here?

not yet. look, there __the rest of our guests!

a: come b: comes c: is coming d: are coming

1). being colour-blind, sally can't make a __between red and green.

2). the purpose is to examine the teaching methods __in the classroom.

a. employed b. equipped c. requested d. f**ored

1)make a difference 起作用;make a distinction 有区别。

comparison比较 division 分开,分歧。

2)be employed in 被应用在……方面;从事于;忙于。

bbaab a


2. 句意:如果下雨的话,排球比赛就会推迟。此题考查一般现在时态,在条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句通常用一般现在时表示将来。故答案为b。




、if i h**e time ,i will help you with this work.如果我有时间会帮助你做此工作的。

、as long as i say anything wrong,you must point it out.只要我说了什么错话,你一定要指出来。

、if time permits,we'll go fishing together.(如果有时间的话,我们就一起去钓鱼。)


、if i were you ,i would h**e attended the meeting.如果我是你的话,就去参加会议了。

、if he had come here yesterday,he would h**e seen his old friend.假如他昨天来这儿的话,就会看见他的老朋友。

、if it had rained yesterday,we would h**e stayed at home.(如果昨天下雨的话,我们就会留在家里。)



3. the places做现行词 ,从句为the places couldn't be found ,所以选that

the wolves hid themselves in the places that couldn't be found(同位从)

但如果从句是they couldn't be found的话,那就应该选b了

即they (the wolves) couldn't be found in the places.

4. 考查定语从句,先行词是astudent,定语从句中ithought是插入语,所以定语从句缺少主语,句意:在公共汽车上我看见以为是你哥哥的一个学生。选a。

5. 本题考查 it 作为形式主语的句式。分析句子结构可知,it 为形式主语,真正主语是后面的从句 “_side effect the medicine will bring about”。

根据句意,应该为“这个药会带来什么***还不确定”,只能用 what 在这里修饰 side effect,其他选项均无此用法。故正确答案为b。

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