
发布 2021-04-21 22:27:28 阅读 6116

a leader of the new school contends 学派( x学校)

when the qualities to be measured 特征( x 质量)

elegant system 完美,完善(而不是优雅)

there is an agreed account of human rights 认识,看法( x 账户)

some respected ideas 公认( x 受人尊敬)

appropriate to various branch of historical inquiry 研究,**,探索( x 询问)

arising from mass migration movement 移动,流动( x 运动)

and home appliances will become so smart that...智能化( x 聪明)

a technology of beh**ior will continue to be rejected 方法,研究方法( x 技术)

like the concept of set in mathematics 集,集合( x 一套,放置)

we are obliged to them 感谢,感激(x 被迫)

a fact underlined by statistics 强调,表明,突出(x 下划线)

by hundreds 数以百计by thousands 数以千计;大量。

by (the) millions 数以百万计by halves 不完全。

hundreds of 数百;数以百计thousands of 数千;数以千计。

thousands upon thousands 成千上万tens of, decades of 数十个。

hundreds of thousands of 几十万,无数的scores of 许多,大量。

millions upon millions of 千百万dozens of 几打,几十个。

billions of 几十亿hundreds of millions 亿万。

a thousand and one 无数的a hundred and one 许多。

ten to one 十之**mine cases out of ten 十之**。

nine tenths 十之**,几乎全部tens of thousands 好几万。

several millions of 数百万fifty-fifty 个半的,对半的,平均。

by one hundred percent 百分之百的,全部 a long hundred 一百多,120

a few tenths of 十分之几,有几成by twos and threes 三三两两。

by ones or twos 三三两两,零零落落in two twos 转眼,立即。

at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟one or two 少许,几个。

twenty and twenty 许多first of all 首先。

second to none 首屈一指last but one 倒数第二。

a decade of 10个,10a score of , 20a dozen of 一打,12个。

thousands of people attended the meeting. 数千人参加了会议。

ten to one she has forgotten it. 十有**她把这件事给忘了。

it is hoped that...希望,有人希望it is assumed that...假设,假定。

it is claimed that...据说,有人主张it is believed that...有人相信,大家相信。

it is reported that...据报道,据通报it is considered that...人们认为,据估计。

it is said that...据说,有人说it is asserted that 有人主张。

it is supposed that...据推测,人们猜测it has been announced that...已经宣布。

it is rumored that...听说,谣传it is noticed that...有人指出,人们注意到。

it is suggested that...有人建议,建议it is reputed that...人们认为,可以认为。

it is learned that...据说,据闻,已经查明 it is demonstrated that...据证实,已经证明。

it is estimated that...据估计,有人估计it is pointed out that...有人推荐,有人建议。

it is proposed that...有人提出it was told that...有人曾经说。

it will be seen from this that...由此可见 it was noted above that...前面已经指出。

it is stressed that...有人强调说it can not be denied that...无可否认。

it is sometimes asked that...人们有时会问 it was felt that...有人认识到了。

it is alleged that...据说it is calculated that...据计算。

it has been proved that...已经证明it has been found that...人们已经发现。

it is still to be hoped that...我们仍然希望 it will be said that...有人会说。

it must be admitted that...必须承认,老实说 it has been illustrated that...据图示,据说名。

it is universally accepted that...人们普遍认为 it was first intended that..最初就有这样的想法。

it is unanimously agreed that...大家一致同意 it is well-known that...众所周知,大家都知道。

it should be realized that...我们应该认识到。

it can be said without exaggeration that...可以毫不夸张地说。


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