
发布 2021-04-19 14:13:28 阅读 1179

part one 1-8 ecbeadcd

part two 9-14 fcgdea

part three 15-20 bdcabd

part four 21-30 cdabc/bacdd

part five 31-40 all, for, there, in, become, at, few, instance/example, whether, who

part six 41-52 while, then, it, correct, part, correct, as, sum, however, that, how, scarcely

part one

bust n. a time or period of widespread financial depression 萧条时期:大范围的经济不景气的时间或阶段:

bankers consider the region's diversified economy to be good protection against a possible real estate bust. 银行家们认为地区经济的多样性将是防止可能的房地产萧条时期到来的良好保障。

on the horizon 刚刚出现,即将到来: there are potential problems on the horizon.

incur v. to acquire or come into (something usually undesirable); sustain: 获得,得到:

获得或得到(通常为不受欢迎的事);承受:incurred substantial losses during the stock market crash在**市场剧跌时蒙受了巨大的物质损失。

stark a. complete or utter; extreme: 完全的:

完全的或十足的;极端的:stark poverty; a stark contrast 极端的贫困;鲜明的对比。

trading statement 购货表;购销表。

like-for-like a. 同类的; under mr roberts, like-for-like sales there were up by 7.5% in october on a year earlier.


stem v. to stop or hold back by or as if by damming; stanch. 闸住:用坝或象用坝一样阻住;止住。

interim a. belonging to, serving during, or taking place during an intermediate interval of time; temporary: 临时的:


absorb v. to take over (a cost or costs) 承担费用。

squeeze n. financial pressure caused by shortages or narrowing economic margins财政困难:由于银概念紧缩带来的财政压力。

sterling n. british money, especially the pound as the basic monetary unit of the united kingdom 英国货币:尤指英国基本货币单位英镑。

cap v. to set an upper limit on: 给…定一个上限:

decided to cap cost-of-living increases决定给生活费用的**制定一个上限。

sugar beet a form of the common beet (beta vulgaris) h**ing fleshy white roots from which sugar is obtained 甜菜,甜萝卜:普通甜菜(甜菜甜菜属)` 的一种形式,根白色多肉,从中可提取糖。

part two

hit the road (american slang),指“动身”、“启程”

prestigious a. h**ing prestige; esteemed有威望的;受尊敬的。

prestige n. attributive.(定语名词)often used to modify another noun:

通常用来修饰另一名词:a prestige address; 富有魅力的演说;the prestige groups in society 社会中的名人圈。

sensible a. acting with or exhibiting good sense: 明智的:明智地行动或表现明智的:

a sensible person; a sensible choice 通情达理的人;明智的抉择。

part three

infuse v. to put into or introduce as if by pouring: 注入:

通过倾倒使进入或灌输:infused new vigor into the movement 给这个运动注入新的生命力。

one-sided a. f**oring one side or group; partial or biased: 偏向的,片面的:

倾向于一个方面或一个群体的:a one-sided view 片面的观点。

overlook v. to fail to notice or consider; miss 漏看:没有注意或考虑到;遗漏;to ignore deliberately or indulgently; disregard 忽略:


ride roughshod over to treat with brutal force: 残暴地对待,横行霸道:a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition 对所有反对意见不予理睬的经理

assumption n. the act of taking for granted: 想当然:

想当然的行为:assumption of a false theory 认定一个错误的理论;assumption about human nature人性假设。

invest v. to endow with an enveloping or pervasive quality: 使充满:赋予一种笼罩或到处弥漫的特性。

indecision n. reluctance or an inability to make up one's mind; irresolution 犹豫不决,举棋不定:不愿或不能决定;优柔寡断。

underperform v. to exhibit a level of performance that is below the standard: 表现不佳:

表现出低于标准的工作水平:defense industry companies h**e underperformed during the last two quarters. 在过去两季中,国防工业公司工作低劣。

cuddly a. 令人愉快的;迷人的;

falter v. to be unsteady in purpose or action, as from loss of courage or confidence; w**er 胆怯:意向或行动上的不坚定,如由于失去勇气或信心;;动摇;没有把握;犹豫不决:


h**e one's feet on the ground 脚踏实地;切实可行。

rule book 规则手册;守则本。

part four

worth n. wealth; riches: 财产;财富:her net worth 她的实际财产。

value n. worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor; utility or merit: 益处,有用性:

对于拥有者来说,在用处或重要性上的价值;用处或好处:the value of an education教育的益处。

asset n. a useful or valuable quality, person, or thing; an advantage or a resource: 资源,优点:

有用的或有价值的品德,人或事物;优势或资财:an agreeable personality is a great asset; 宜人的性格是一个很大的优点;proved herself an asset to the company证明她自己是公司的难得之材;

property n. something owned; a possession 财产:被占有的某物;占有物。

real value 【经】 实在价值;现实价值, 实际价值。

real asset 固定资产。

real property【经】 不动产, 房地产;房地产;(real estate,real property):是指土地、建筑物及其他土地定着物,是实物、权益、区位三者的综合体。

show up to be clearly visible 清楚可见的。

detect v. to discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of 查明:发现或弄清楚事实真相。

shift n. a change in attitude, judgment, or emphasis 态度,判断或重点的改变。


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