12 14英语试题

发布 2021-04-18 11:37:28 阅读 4584



manyyearsago,twofriends_1__ dark when they came into a little hotel. theyasked for a room__2__two beds. the ownerofwas no light in the room.

when they came to the room, joe dropped (掉落)the candle. it was dark. they found the__4__of the room and went in.

they took their clothes__5__and went to bed. the bed was very big andbymistaketheywentintothesamebed,tomfrom one side, and joe from__6__.

aftersometimejoesaid,“youknow,tom, there is a man in my bed. here are his feetnear my__7__.yes, joe, there is aman inmy bed, too.

but the man is bigger because bodies fell to the floor.“joe, the man is__9__ than i . he pushed me down to the floor,”cried tom.

“i’m on the floor, _10__,answeredjoe.“i think we must go and tell the owner of thehotel about it.”

2. a. withb.

withoutc. ind. to3.

a. whenb. ifc.

so thatd. because4. a.

doorb. wallc. windowd.

key5. a. onb.

offc. awayd. up

6. a. the other b.

otherc. othersd. another7.

a. faceb. hairc.

neckd. eyes8. a.

herb. usc. himd.

them9. a. tallerb.

shorter c. stronger d. smaller10.

a. toob. alsoc.

eitherd. though三、阅读(从下面七个选择中,选择正确答案,有两个选项是多余的)

一)sixteenyearsagoaboyg**emeanimportant gift. it was a smile.

itwastheearlyautumnofmyfirstyearatamiddleschool,andmyoldschool,andmyoldschool was far away. _i was very lonely,and afraid to make friends with anyone.

every time i heard the other students talking andlaughing, i felt my heart break. _

thenoneday,myclassmatestalkedhappilywith their friends, but i sat at my desk unhappilyasusual,atthatmoment,aboyenteredtheclassroom. i didn’t know who he was. he passedme and then turned back.

he looked at me, witha smile.

___it made me feel happy, lively and smile changed my life. i started to talk closer to everyone in my class. _onedayiaskedhimwhyhesmiled,buthecouldn’t remember smiling at me!

it doesn’t matter because all the dark days h**egone.__ifyouthinkitlonely, smile back.

a, suddenly, i felt the touch of something

c,icouldn’ttalkwithanyoneaboutmyproblems. d, i believe that the world is what youthink it is.

e, the boy with the lucky smile has become mybest friend now.

f, as a result, no one knew who i was.

g, everyone will h**e his day if he works hard.(二)


likelin, would you do to deal with these setbacks?would just let them be and give up?

2__.his parents and teacher also g**e himhelp. .3___

chen xingzhuin shenzhenalso hasastoryto tell. the 15-year-old girl is not good at doingsit-ups,whichisnecessaryforthecominghighschool pe entrance exam. one has to do at least35sit-upsinaminutetopassthetest.

__4___however, chen could only do 20.


can do 30 sit-ups a minute.“ibelieve next monthi will be able to do 40!”chen next month he will be able to do 40.

b, although he still isn’t at his original level,lin doesn’t panic any more

c, most of chen’s classmates can do 40.

d, but during last semester’s final exams, hismath score was only 90 points.

e, she did sit-ups for half an hour every dayafter school.

f, he will not beat it

g, lin chose to face his problem.一、单词。

foreigner spoke slowly and清楚地) so that everybody could follow him.

导演) in china.

教育)ustolook after ourselves.

i __参加) a chinese 更喜欢)popmusictoclassical music.

沮丧)?遗憾)thathecouldn’t catch the flight to america, so he had towait for the next one.

of us like to be __表扬) by 意识) of safety.

5.--can you go for a picnic as planned?

--it决定于) the weather.6.we更喜欢) music to movie.7.i like to use电子的) products.

8.i h**e some对白) to practise.4.i am推断) to be a good person.9.it's a story with a happy结局).10.it is a world of戏剧).

11.we met our超级英雄) yesterday.12.the spiderman is an __聪明的) is大量) of water.

14.chopin is a great**家).15.couldyoutellmewhere___go)tothehotel?

16.would you minddo) his work?17.i'

18.i would liketake) a photo.

19既然那样的话),youshouldh**e a good rest.

想要)goingtotheparkforawalk tonight.

关掉) the windows beforele**ing the 完成句子。


this is the


when i'm __or tired, imovies thatcanme __

3.当我伤心或疲惫的时候,我不会看戏剧和纪录片。idon'twatchdramas___documentaries when i'm sad or tired.


___likemarchofthepenguinsinformation about a___canbeinteresting,butwheni'mtired i don't want to

5.我能封闭我的头脑,休息休息享受着**总是及时拯救世界的超人。i can justmy___sitbackandenjoywatchinganexcitingsuperhero___always___the world just6.坚持你的梦想,你就会成功。


8.我姐姐经常和她老板顶嘴。(talk back9.钓鱼岛不可能属于日本。(belong to)

10.青少年不应该被允许穿不同寻常的衣服。(be allowed to do)


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...