综合英语电大 3

发布 2021-04-18 10:32:28 阅读 1356









本课程期末复习指导适用范围为**教育专科英语(教, 商)专业的必修课程。










i. vocabulary

1. he tries to make richarduncontrollable laughter”.

a. break intob. break through

c. break outd. break up

2. boss to employee: “you’re good man, mikepunctual, industrious, pleasant and loyal.

you’re also ****** the other employees very, very nervous. ”

a. efficientb. inefficient

c. adequated. anxious

3. the value of a man’s life liesthe fact that he really knows how to make full usehis time.

a. with, ofb. among, with

c. at, offd. in, of

4. mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she __h**e studied very hard.

a. mayb. must

c. shouldd. ought to

5. no agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to

a. the otherb. otherc. anotherd. any other

6. fortunately the demonstration __to be quite peaceful.

a. turned inb. showed up

c. showed offd. turned out

7. a dog was __by a bus and killed.

a. run overb. taken over

c. felled downd. tripped up

8i looked old, i h**e not lost the use of limbs.

a. thoughb. in spite of

c. despited. no matter

9. they played for three days inwithout feeling tried.

a. successb. successive

c. successiond. succeeding

10. imy word that i would never again get into debt.

a. pledgedb. said

c. statedd. promised

11. the office is set up tobetween students and future employers.

a. bridge the gapb. bridged gaps

c. be bridged the gapd. bridging the gap

12. one of the worst mistakes you can make as a gardener is to think you’re

a. in chargeb. charged

c. charged. charging

13. great minds think

a. equivalentb. like

c. aliked. uniform

14. my car __so i had to come by bus.

a. fell downb. broke down

c. fell offd. broke up

15. tom and i are __you, so don’t disappoint us.

a. looking forb. looking out on

c. looking forward to d. looking up to

16. john suggestedanything about it until they found out more facts.

a. not to say b. not saying

c. to say not d. not say

17. the real sadness of fifty is not that you change so muchyou change so little.

a. thatb. but that

c. than thatd. but

18. originality does notsaying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself.

a. consist ofb. consist with

c. derive fromd. consist in

19. the difference between constructive and destructive criticism is ******: the former is what you give while theis what you get.

a. laterb. late

c. latterd. last

综合英语 3

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