
发布 2021-04-17 06:49:28 阅读 9151



a,b)按份共有 several possession

按份之债 several obligation

版权 copyright

包办婚姻 arranged marriage

保证 guaranty/guarantee

保证合同 contract of guaranty

保证金 guaranty bond; security deposit

保证人 guarantor

被**人(本人) principal

本** original agency

本**人 original agent

次** subagency

**权 right of agency

**行为 act of agency

表见** agency by estoppel;

apparent agency

不安抗辩权 unstable counter-argument right

不当得利 unjust enrichment

不当履行 misfeasance

不可抗力 force majeure

不可侵犯权 inviolability

不要式民事法律行为 informal civil legal act

不要因民事法律行为 noncausative civil legal act

不作为 omission

c)财产担保 property guarantee

财产分割 partition; dismemberment of property

财团法人 legal body of financial group

采矿权 mining ownership

产品瑕疵 defect of product

撤销权 right of claiming cancellation

承包经营权 right to contracted management

承认权 right of admission

诚实信用原则 principle of good faith

乘人之危 taking advantage of others’ precarious position

程序法 procedural law

驰名商标 reputed trademark

处分权 right of disposing; jus dispodendi

创造性 creativity

创作 creation

从民事法律行为 accessory civil legal act

从债 accessory obligation

d)大陆法 continental law

大陆法系 civil law system

代位继承 representation; succession by subrogation

代位权 subrogated right

单独继承 single succession

单方民事法律行为 unilateral civil legal act

单一之债 single obligation

担保物权 real right for security

盗版vcd pirated vcd

等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange

抵销 setoff

抵押标的物 collateral; estate under mortgage

抵押权 hypothec; right to mortgage

抵押权的次序 sequence of right to mortgage

抵押权的抛弃 abandonment of right to mortgage

抵押权的让与 alienation of right to mortgage

抵押权的设定 creation of right to mortgage

抵押权的实现 materialization of right to mortgage

抵押权的消灭 extinction of right to mortgage

抵押权的效力 defect of right to mortgage

抵押权人 mortgagee

抵押人 mortgagor

抵押物登记 registration of estate under mortgage

抵押优先权 priority of mortgage

地上权 superficies

地役权 servitude; easement

第一顺序继承人 successor first in order

佃权 tenant right

定金 earnest money; deposit

独生子女 only child

多方民事法律行为 joint act civil legal act

e, f)

恶意占有 malicious possession

发表权 right of publication

发明创造 invention and creation

发明权 right of invention

发现权 right of discovery

法定**人 statutory agent; legal agent

法定继承 legal succession

法定违约金 liquidated damages by law

法定之债 legal obligation

法定孳息 legal fruits

法律婚 legal marriage

法律渊源 source of law

法人 legal person

法人合伙 partnership of legal person

法人型联营 association of legal persons

防卫行为 act of defense

非婚生子女 illegitimate child

非专属权 non-exclusive right

否认权 right of claiming cancellation

夫妻分居 divorce a mensa et thoro; divorce from bed and board

夫妻共同财产 community property

夫妻关系 conjugal relationship

服务商标 service trademark

抚恤金 pension

附期限民事法律行为 civil legal act with term

复婚 resumption of marriage

g )感情破裂 incompatibility

个人独资企业 individual business establishment

个人合伙 partnership

个体工商户 individual business

给付 give; pay

工业产权 industrial property

公法 public law

公力救济 public protection

公民 citizen

公平原则 principle of justice

公序良俗 public order and moral

共同共有 joint possession

共同继承 joint succession

固有法 native law; indigenous law

关联企业 affiliate enterprise

广告商标 advertisement trademark

国民待遇原则 doctrine of national treatment

国有独资企业 solely state-owned enterprise

h)合法行为 lawful act

合伙财产 property of partnership

合伙人 partner

合伙协议 partnership agreement

合伙型联营 coordinated management in partnership

合伙债务 debt of partnership

合同之债 contractual obligation

合作社 cooperative

衡平法 equity; law of equity

户籍 census register

婚后财产公证 notarization of postnuptial properties

婚生子女 legitimate child

婚姻、家庭、继承、收养 marriage, family, inheritance, adoption

婚姻登记 marriage registration

婚姻法 marital law; marriage law

货币 currency

获得报酬权right to get payment/remuneration

j, k )

计划生育 birth control

技术诀窍 know-how

继承参与人 succession participant

继承法 inheritance law; law of succession

继承人 heir; successor

间接继承 indirect succession

监护 guardianship

简单之债 ****** obligation

教会法 ecclesiastical law

解除权 right of renouncement

紧急避险 act of rescue; necessity

近似商标 similar trademark

禁止规范 forbidding norm

经常居住地 frequently dwelling place

经营权 managerial authority; power of management

精神损害 moral/mental/spiritual damage

救济权 right of relief

居所 residence

绝对权 absolute right

抗辩权 right of defense

可撤销民事行为 revocable civil act

( l, m )

离婚 divorce

利用权 right to make use of

例外法 exception law

连带之债 joint obligation

联营 joint venture

林权 forest ownership


必备法律英语词汇 民事法律英语词汇。a,b 按份共有 several possession 按份之债 several obligation 版权 copyright 包办婚姻 arranged marriage 保证 guaranty guarantee 保证合同 contract of guara...


考研英语核心词汇深化理解轻松学 第一期 2004.6.24 1 that night he was drunk and grew pretty abusive.那天晚上他喝醉了,恶声恶气地骂起人来。2 complete absorption in sport对体育运动的极度迷恋 3 human ri...


aabide bad 遵循 by 容忍 the one thing she cannot abide is lying.abnormal bnrml 反常的 abnormal beh ior abolish b l 彻底废除 法律 制度 习俗等 abolish old custom abrupt b...