英语核心词汇 二

发布 2021-02-08 11:23:28 阅读 5479

1. abundant

2. appear

3. capture

4. conduct

5. he wasto the position of export manager for the firm. (任命)

6. the musica feeling of homesickness in him. (引起,激起)

7the value of a house 估算房子的价值

8. the deaths of the two people areto heart. (把…归因于)

9. are you __of the time? (知道的,意识到的)

10. business经济繁荣)

11. we should beof the comfort of old people.(体谅的,体贴的)

12. cakeof flour, sugar, and some other ingredients(由…组成)

61. costly

a. 昂贵的,贵重的,代价高的:this fur coat is too costly.

62. create

vt. ①创造,创作,创建:the wealth of the society is created by the laboring people.

②引起,产生:they tried to create confusion.

creation n. ①创造,创作,创建 ②创造的作品,(智力、想象力的)产物 ③宇宙,天地万物:are we the only thinking species in creation?

creative a. 有创造力的,创造性的:a writer needs creative imagination.

creature n. ①人,家伙 ②动物,生物:the explorers didn't know whether the strange creature was human or animal.

③创造物,产物:a creature of the imagination 想象力的产物。

creativity : n. 创造力;创造性。

63. currency

n. ①流通,流传,传播:the rumor soon gained currency. ②通货,货币:foreign currencies 外币。

64. debate

n. 争论,辩论:truth develops through debate between different views.

vt./vi. 讨论,辩论:

the subject was hotly debated.

65. decline

vt./vi. ①拒绝,谢绝:

i offered anne a cigarette, but she declined. ②下降,(太阳)落山:the day is declining.

日暮 ③衰退,衰落:his strength slowly declined.

n. 下降,减少,衰弱:our business has gone into a decline this year.

66. deny

vt. ①不承认.否认:to deny contradiction is to deny everything.

②拒绝给予,拒绝…的要求:she can deny nothing to his son.

67. department

n. (**机关、商店、学校等)部,局,科,系,部门:the department of defense (美国)国防部。

68. design

n. ①设计(图样),构想:everyone agreed that jane had made a great design for the building.

②图谋,企图:the house was burnt down by design.

vt. ①设计,构思,绘制:she designs beautiful dresses.

②计划,谋划:was this designed, or did it just happen?

69. despite

prep. 尽管,任凭:despite working very hard, he didn't finish the task.

n. ①细节,详情:discuss the details of a plan 讨论计划的细目 ②枝节,琐事:

there is too much detail in his speech.

vt. 详述,详细说明:the boy listened breathlessly as the sailor detailed the story of the shipwreck(船难).

go into detail(s) 详细叙述,逐一说明。

in detail 详细地:we should discuss the matter in detail. 我们应该详细地讨论这件事情。

71. dictate

vt./vi. ①口授,口述,(使)听写:

the teacher dictated to a class. ②命令,支配:can they dictate how the money will be spent?

n. (常用复数)命令,规定,要求:follow the dictates of common sense.

dictation n. 听写,口授,口述:we h**e dictation today.

dictator n. **者,口述者。

72. diligent

a. 勤奋的,努力的:the diligent workers finished the project on time.

73. discount

n. ①**、债款等)折扣:a discount of 10% 九折 ②贴现,贴息

vt. ①给…打折扣:our shop discounts all our goods.

②给(期票)贴现 ③不重视,低估:his rich experience is not to be discounted.

74. discover

vt. ①发现,发觉:we h**e discovered that he is quite careful in his work.

②暴露,显示:discover oneself 显露自己的身份。

discovery n. 发现,被发现的事物:make new discoveries in science 在科学上作出新发现。

75. discrimination

n. 歧视;辨别;识别力。

racial discrimination 种族歧视。

man of discrimination 有眼光的人。

76. dismiss

vt. ①让…离开,打发 ②(from)免…的职,开除,解雇:he was dismissed from his post.

③解散,遣散:the leader dismissed the meeting.

77. disturb

vt. ①打搅,妨碍:i'm sorry to disturb you. ②弄乱,打乱:don't disturb my things.

78. domestic

a. ①家庭的,家里的:the police called the fight between the husband and wife a domestic matter.

②本国的,国内的:domestic flight 国内航班 ③驯养的:domestic animals 家兽。

79. eager

a. (for)渴望的,热切的:she is eager for success.

80. economic

a. 经济的,经济学的:the country is in a bad economic state.

81. education

n. 教育,培养,训练:he has a good education.

educational adj. 教育的,有教育意义的。

82. effective

a. 有效的,生效的,起作用的:an effective treatment for hair loss **脱发的一种有效办法。

83. efficient

a. ①有效率的,效率高的:the financial analyst found efficient ways for the company to s**e money.

②有能力的,能胜任的:he is efficient at his job.

84. elect

vt. ①选举,推选:we elected him our monitor. ②选择,决定:he has elected to become a teacher.

election n. 选举,推举,当选:lose an election 在选举中遭到失败。

85. emphasis

n. (emphases)强调,重点:this dictionary puts special emphasis upon grammar.

86. ensure

vt. 保证,确保,担保:this medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.

87. enterprise

n. ①事业,计划:building the canal was a bold(英勇的) enterprise.

②事业心,进取心:he is a man of great enterprise. ③企业(事业)单位,公司:

the new enterprise will require additional staff and equipment.

88. enthusiastic

a. 热情的,热心的:i'm really very enthusiastic about that.


managerial a.经理的,管理人的 管理上的,经营上的。implement vt.实现 完成 履行。suboptimization n.局部最优化,次优化。constraint n.强制 强制因素,制约条件。attain vt.达到 完成。optimal a.最适宜的 最理想的。preced...

学位英语 核心词汇 二

51.herd 兽群,牧群。52.trace 追踪n.痕迹,踪迹 tr el 旅行留下踪迹 hint clue 53.torture 拷打,折磨 capture 54.wander 漫游,闲逛 want 思考 55.attract 吸引。56.we e织,编 le e 留下 knit 57.pres...


implement vt.实现 完成 履行。suboptimization n.局部最优化,次优化。multiple a.多样的,复合的 n.倍数。constraint n.强制 强制因素,制约条件。scheme n.计划 方案 vt.vi.计划,策划。attain vt.达到 完成。correct...