中考英语专题训练导学案1 单项选择

发布 2021-04-12 15:18:28 阅读 9127



1. 排除法


he does his homework much __than he did two years ago.

a. careful b. more careful c. carefully d. more carefully


does your brother remember __a talk to us last month?

a. give b. giving c. to give d. given



2. 比较法


his grandfather __for ten years.

a. died b. was dead c. has been dead d. has died

分析】“died”和“was dead”都是一般过去时,因“for ten years”是表示延续时间的状语,谓语时态要用现在完成时,所以选a或b都不行。“has been dead”和“has died”虽然都是现在完成时,但因“die”是终止性动词,且在有for…或since…的句中,就必须选用延续性动词be。这样,正确答案应该选c。

you will not go there,i’ll go

a. neither b. too c. either d. also



3. 逻辑推理法


there are __people in the street because it is very late.

a. a littleb. little c. few d. a few

分析】a little和little不可能修饰people,因此,只剩下c和d了。根据语法规则few和a few皆可修饰people,但若选d,在意思上不合逻辑。所以,只有c才是正确的。


4. 习惯判断法


you aren’t a student,are you?no,i___

a. am b. am not c. was d. wasn’t



5. 推算法


tom is seventeen,jack is three years older than tom and two years younger than todd. todd is

a. eighteen b. nineteen c. twenty-two d. sixteen


6. 常识法。


a camel is __

a. the most interesting animal b. the ship of the desert

c. a useless animal d. the most beautiful animal


7. 关键词法。

许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用。我们称这些词为关键词(key words)。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口,例如:

he hardly hurt himself in the accident

a. doesn’t he b. didn’t he c. did he d. does he


8. 前后照应法。


— he isn’t a teacher, is he﹖

he works in a hospital.

a. yes, he is b. no, he isn’t c. yes, he isn’t d. no, he is


9. 交际法。


would you like to h**e another cup of tea

a. yes, i do b. not al all c. no. thanks d. help yourself






1. mr li is in his office now. go and find him.

a. maybe b. maybe c. may be d. may

( )2. would you like my house for my birthday party?

a. come to b. to come over c. coming at d. to come over to

( )3. i like but i don’t like now because i am ill.

a. to sing, to sing b. singing, singing c. to sing, singing d. singing, to sing

( )4. i like to keep the windows . it’s raining he**ily outside.

a. closed b. opened c. open d. closing

( )5. it’s fine. so she the umbrella.

a. needs b. needn’t c. doesn’t need d. need

( )6. it seems that there a he**y rain this afternoon.

a. will h**e b. is going c. is going to d. will be

( )7. -will you us about your trip to tokyo? -ok. shall i it in english or japanese?

a. talk, say b. tell, say c. talk, speak d. tell, speak

( )8. lily lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

a. not, but b. neither, nor c. both, and d. either, or

( )9. lucy, please stop __me. my bike is broken.

a. helping b. to help c. help d. helps

( )10. they forgot their food and drink. they h**e nothing to eat now.

a. to bring b. bring c. bringing d. brought

( )11. lucy here two years ago, she here for about two years.

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