
发布 2021-04-11 07:07:28 阅读 3364


说明: 此结构由主语+及物的谓语动词+宾语+宾语补足语构成。宾语与宾语补足语有逻辑的主谓关系,若无宾语补足语,则句意不完整。


the sun keeps us warm.

i heard him singing.

you must get your hair cut.

用 it 做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面,是英语常用句型。

即主语 + 谓语 + it + 宾补 + 真正宾语。如,i found it very pleasant to be with your family.

翻译练习。1. 我们叫她alice

2. 他的父母给他取名为john.

3. 我们大家都认为他是诚实的。

4. 他们把门推开了。

5. 他们把小偷释放了。

6. 我们要使学校变得更美丽。

7. 他请我们参加做游戏。

8. 我要你把真相告诉我。

9. 卫兵命令我们立即离开。

10. 明天我要找人来修理机器。

11. 每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。

12. 痛苦使得他叫喊起来。

13. 我们不会让她在晚上外出的。

14. 他每个月理一次发。

15. 我要请人把我的录音机修理一下。

16. 那可怕的声音把孩子们吓坏了

17. 她正在听人家讲故事。

18. 男孩子们都在看士兵们操练。

19. 我从来没看见这个字这样用过。

20. 他感到很难跟你交谈。

21. 我想乘船去那里更舒服些。

22. 我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。

23. 学校定了一条规则,开始上课时学生要起立。

24. 我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。

参***。1. we call her alice.

2. his parents named him john.

3. all of us considered him honest.

4. they pushed the door open.

5. they h**e set the thief free.

6. we will make our school more beautiful.

7. he asked us to join in the game.

8. i want you to tell me the truth.

9. the guards ordered us to le**e at once.

10. tomorrow i’ll h**e someone repair the machine.

11. every morning we hear him read english aloud.

12. the pain made him cry out.

13. we won’t let her go out at night.

14. he has his hair cut once a month.

15. i’ll get my recorder mended.

16. the terrible sound made the children frightened.

17. she is listening to someone telling stories.

18. the boys were watching the soldiers drilling.

19. i h**e never seen the word used that way before.

20. he felt it very difficult to talk with you.

21. i think it more comfortable to go there by ship.

22. i consider it possible to work out the problem in another way.

23. the school made it a rule that the students should stand up when class begins.

24. i thought it no use talking with that man.


双宾语结构。说明 此结构由主语 及物谓语动词 间接宾语 人 直接宾语 事物 组成。如,he brings me cookies every day.she made me a beautiful dress.但若要先说出直接宾语 事物 后说间接宾语 人 则要借助于介词to或for,如,he brin...


there be 句型。说明 此句型是由 there be 主语 状语构成,用以表达存在有,一种无主语的有。它其实是倒装的一种情况,主语位于谓语动词 be 之后,there 仅为引导词,并无实际语。be 与其后的主语在人称和数量上一致,有时态和情态变化。如,现在有 there is are 过去有 ...


主谓宾结构 二 说明 此结构中的谓语动词常常是动词词组,分两种情况 1.及物动词 副词,2.不及物动词 介词。1.含有away,out,forward,up 等副词的动词词组是可拆分的。如,they carried out the plan successfully.我们还可以说,they carr...