
发布 2021-04-11 06:58:28 阅读 5640






)1. a. nice b. ice c. rice

)2. a. beside b. before c. behind

)3. a. book b. look c. luck

)4. a. talk b. walk c. work

)5. a. set up b. pick c. put up



)6. who are they going to vote for?

) animal are they going to talk about?

) 8. what’s the weather like now?

) 9. what is the boy doing?

) 10. what did the woman do last sunday?

) 11. when did the train start?

a. at 8:15 b. at 8:30 c. at 8:45

) 12. how did the man go to beijing?

a. by air b. by train c. by bus

) 13. what is the man going to hold?

a. a birthday party

b. a music concert

c. a speech competition

).14. what’s jim’s father doing?

a. writing a letter

b. cleaning the car

c. driving the car

) 15. where is lily?

a. in the garden

b. in the room

c. in the school

. 长对话理解。



) did john go to wolong natural reserve with?

a. mary b. his friends c. his parents

)17. how many times has john been to wolong nature reserve?

a. never b. only once c. twice


) 18. where does miss kumar come from?

a. indonesia b. indiana c. india

) 19. why does miss kumar come to china?

a. to give some money to the hope project.

b. to learn something from the hope project.

c. to work for the project.

).20. what can the man do for kumar?

a. show her around the country?

b. raise some money for her.

c. help her know more about the hope project.

. 短文理解。


) 21. what is mrs smith’s telephone number?

a. 855-1688 b. 855-4688 c. 855-5688

) 22. what trouble does mrs smith h**e?

a. there is something wrong with her telephone.

b. she often gets a wrong call.

c. she has to go to the cinema with her husband at night.

) 23. who called mrs smith one evening?

a. a young girl

b. an old woman

c. a tired man.

) 24. how did mrs smith feel when she heard the strange call?

a. angry. b. puzzled c. worried

) 25. what would possibly the caller do after the call?

a. feel surprised.

b. h**e a good rest.

c. go to the cinema with his wife at once.

. 信息转换。




31.--you’ve droppedr” in the word “preferred”!

---oh, _letter “r” should be doubled like this “preferred”.

a. a, the b. an, the c. ad. an, a

32. during the chinese test, you are required to write __article in half an hour.

a. eight-hundred-words b. eight-hundred-word

c. eight hundred words d. an eight-hundred-word

33. –taking a walk in the evening is a goodso it is; it keeps us healthy.

a. habit b. hobby c. f**or d. rule

34. i really want to know

a. what is wrong with my brother b. how is he going to beijing tomorrow

c. where he goes this afternoon d. if had he bought that car

35. -you mean i h**e to go there by myself, for you are not free.

---yeah, _

a. you mean it b. you think it c. you got it d. you did it

36. -oh my god. we’ll be late.

---don’t worry, we still h**e ten minutes __

a. le**eb. le**ing c. leftd. to le**e

37. -would your younger brother go for a picnic this sunday?

---if i don’t go

a. so does he b. so he will c. neither will he d. neither does he

38. -what do you prefer, meat or fish

a. as you like. b. all right. c. either will do d. nothing.

39. -hi, tom. is your brother as careful as you?

---i’m afraid not. he is theone of the three children in our family.

a. more careful b. most careful c. more careless d. most careless

40. -how do you like the new year’s party?

---i think it’s tony’s song __makes me impressed.


一 听力测试 共20题,30分 1 听取信息 共5 小题,5分 每小题1分 听下面1段讲话。请根据题目要求,从所给的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷题号为a e的空格中,每条横线上只能填写一个单词或一组数字。听讲话前,你将有10秒钟的时间阅读题目。录音读两遍。你有100秒钟的作答时间。2 对话理解 ...


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