
发布 2021-04-11 11:01:28 阅读 5401





6. a. played basketball b. talked to the teacher c. read

7. a. parents should be strict with teenagers. [**:学*科*网z*x*x*k]

b. teachers should be strict with teenagers.

c. parents shouldn’t be strict with teenagers.

8. a. tvb. telephonec. abacus.

9. a. steelb. silverc. wood.

10. a. play basketball. b. play tennisc. play table tennis.



11. how did kate learn chinese?

a. by reading books. b. by h**ing classes. c. by talking with others.

12 .when did kate come to beijing?

a. at the age of five. b. at the age of seven. c. at the age of twelve.


13. what color is tom’s shirt?

a. blackb. brownc. blue.

14. what do john and tom like doing?

a. playing basketball. b. walkingc. tr**elling.

15. where may tom and john be?

a. in the parkb. on the playground. c. in the library.


16. who is cole amyx?

a. a young inventor. b. a young writer. c. a young reporter.

17. when did he begin to make pet toys?

a. when he was 13. b. at the age of 9. he was 8 years old.

18. why did the boy make pet toys by himself?

a. because they were expensive. b. because he wanted to sell them.

c. because his mother asked him to do so.

19. where did he start selling his toys?

a. at his schoolb. in the libraryc. at dog parks

20. how many toys h**e been sold till now?

a. more than one hundred. b. over two thousand. c. less than two thousand.


参考词汇:moods :心情。

21. cool colors are relaxing colors and they help people experience .

22. orange makes peopleand many restaurants are painted this color.

23. people use colors in their homes toas well.

24. some types ofmake people feel sad.

25. this passage mainly tells us how colors


26. as we know, england is european country and singapore is __asian country.

a. an; anb. an; a c. a; ad. a; an

27. —why are youthis plan?

because it costs too much and there is not enough time.

a. onb. forc. againstd. with

28is your house from school?

it’s aboutbus ride.

a. how long; 5- minuteb. how far; 5 minutes’

c. how far; 5 minute’sd. how long; 5- minutes

29. —how clean the room is!

yes, i am sure that someoneit.

a. cleansb. cleanedc. has cleanedd. had cleaned

30. —did youplay the guitar?

yes, but now i am used tothe piano.

a. use to; playb. use to; playing

c. used to; playd. used to; playing

31 —you h**e made great progress in english.

that’s why he got an a in the english exam.

a. so h**e bob. b. so does bob. c. so do bobd. so has bob.

32. —i hate the bad weather.

me, too. the police stoppedtheplane because of the bad weather.

a. to search for; missingb. searching for; missing

c. to search; missedd. searching ; missed

33. —you look worried, what’s wrong?

imy bag in the library this morning.

a. forgotb. losec. had leftd. left

34. —beibei, is mr. chen in the office?

no. he for half an hour.

a. leftb. has leftc. has been away d. has been left

35. —tom could hardly see the words on the blackboard

no, he couldn’t. he is near-sighted (近视的) .

a. did heb. couldn’t hec. could hed. didn’t he

36.—why are you so excited?

because i __my f**orite star tomorrow.

a. meetb. met

c. am meetingd. h**e met

37. —tom ,why do you look so worried?

i had my wallet

a. stealsb. stealingc. stolend. to steal

38. —where’s the old blue bag?


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