
发布 2022-11-01 05:03:28 阅读 1570

说明: 1. 全卷共13页(其中试卷共10页;答题卡1页;答题卷共2页),满分为120分,考试用时100分钟,其中听力时间为15分钟左右。

2. 请同学们将答案写在答题卷相应的位置上,选择题用2b铅笔将答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息涂黑。




) is on the farm?

abc ) kind of drink does the speaker prefer?

abc( )is the weather now?

abc( )was the speaker?

abc( )event did tom take part in?




) does the conversation probably take place ?

a. in a cinemab. in a bookshopc. in a post office.


) does the man think of the food in green house ?

a. goodb. badc. so-so.


) much is the jacket now ?

a. 30 dollarsb. 60 dollarsc. 120 dollars.


) are the two speakers ?

a. classmatesb. a teacher and a student. c. mother and son.


) time is the man supposed to come to the party ?

a. at eight o’clock in the morning. b. at eight o’clock in the evening.

c. at six o’clock in the evening.


) is the girl looking for?

a. her brotherb. her motherc. her father.

) colour is the hat?

a. whiteb. bluec. blue and white.


) sort of books does jack like?

a. story booksb. science booksc. detective books.

) does mary like science books?

a. she thinks she can learn a lot from themb. she thinks they are interesting.

c. she thinks science is important.

) does jack want to be in the future?

a. a scientistb. a writerc. a doctor.



)16. the boy wanted to buy the apples __

a. for one dollarb. for four dollarsc. for five dollars

) boy felt __when he counted(数) the apples.

a. relaxedb. surprisedc. angry

)18. how many apples did the shop assistant give the boy?

a. fourb. fivec. six

)19. the shop assistant didn’t let the boy le**e because __

a. the boy didn’t give him enough money

b. he wanted to give the boy more apples

c. the boy’s mother came to the shop

)20. according to the story, the boy is __

a. kindb. weakc. clever

听第二篇独白 (本大题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


) 21. we went to wuyi walking street __

a. last fridayb. last sundayc. yesterday

) 22. we needed to buyin the street.

a. some new clothesb. a new watchc. a new television

) 23. i bought a __bike in a bike shop.

a. redb. blackc. blue

) 24. the bike cost my husband __

a.¥100b.¥150c. ¥250

) 25. i felt __at the end of the story.

a. surprisedb. happyc. sad





)26. xiong’an, _new city in hebei province, will look __same as shenzhen and shanghai in the future.

a. a; ab. the; thec. a; thed. the; a

)27. helen, the more careful you are during the exam, the fewer __you’ll make.

a. mistakeb. mistakesc. decisiond. decisions

) old man began to learn to drive a car at the age of __

a.sixtyb.the sixtiethc.sixty years old d.sixties

)29.—a latest shantou daily, please!

only one copy left. would you like to h**esir?

a. oneb. itc. thisd. that

) won’t hand in my exercise until the teacher __me to do that.

a. askb. will askc. asksd. asked

)31.__he is only 12, he often goes to the old people’s home to perform plays for the old people as a volunteer.


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