
发布 2021-04-10 20:29:28 阅读 2468

1.表示能力,许可的情态动词的用法表示能力:can/could,be able to


beableto能用于各种时态(将来):设法做成某事,相当于managedtodosomething,succeed to do sth表示可能性。

can可表推断某人或某物一时的情况,指有时候会+理论上存在可能性eg. he can be friendly at times.

表示许可:may/might ,can/could




定。eg. can the news be true?


eg. it can/could only be steve。he’s the only ne with a key.⑥could的提问的问句。

eg. could you ..回答:

yes,i can./no,i’m afraid not.⑦couldn’t+动词+比较级“再。

不过了”eg. go for a picnic this weekend,ok?

i couldn’t agree more.

拓展⑴can’t (help/choose) but do,can but do不得不eg. i can’t help but tell her the truth.

we can but agree with him.⑵can’t hep+动名词“禁不住” can’t help laughing.

can’t help it /it can’t be helped控制不住,没有办法⑷can’t ..too/can’t...enough越。

越好,无论。也不为过eg. you can’t be too careful in doing can’t be careful enough in doing this.

might表许可,用于请求或征得对方的许可eg. may i use your pen ?回答:yes,you may.

no,you mustn’t/may not.②表可能性。


当句子**现“i’m afraid not”,“i’m not sure”等不确定的含义时,常用“may/might”

eg. he may come,but i am not quite sure.


may you succeedwish you successmay you be happy!--wish you happy拓展⑴may well理所当然,极有可能。

eg. liza may well not want to go on the trip --she hates tr**eling .⑵may/might as well不妨,还是。

eg. you may as well stay for dinner.⑶may/might as well do a as do b与其做b,不如做a

h**e to h**e got to①表义务,意为“必须”

表肯定性或难以避免,“必然会”eg. all men must die.③must表肯定的推测。

must+ v原对现在情况的推测。

must be doing对现在正在进行中的事的推测must h**e done对过去的推测④must作偏要,硬要。

a.常用以第二人称为主语,意指不耐烦或令人不愉快的事eg. if you must smoke,at least you should go outside.



be - can’t be

must h**e done - can’t h**e do - don’t h**e to doneedn’t 禁止⑥must的提问回答。

must we ..回答:yes,you must.

no,you don’t h**e needn’t.⑦must,h**e to区别。


h**e to表示客观需要(可表示多种时态)h**e got to否定:h**en’t got to



一、三人称,征求对方意见(疑问句)eg. shall we begin our class?

shall he go now?


二、三人称,表示威胁,警告,命令,允许,决心的语气(陈述句)eg. he shall be punished.(威胁)

you shall fail,if you don’t work hard.(警告)you shall do as i say.(命令)

tell him that he shall h**e the book tomorrow.(允诺)nothing shall stop me doing it.(决心)


house owners shall keep their gardens in a neat condition.(义务)

each citizen shall carry his identification card when tr**eling.(规定)death is certain to all,all shall die.(预言)

表劝告,建议,命令,其同义词是ought toeg. you should go to class right away.②表义务,指应该做,且有一种道义上的责任。

eg. i should help him because he is in trouble.

表期待,用于合理的推断,且所期待的事几乎是事实(不是虚拟语气)eg. it’s three o’ football game should begin soon.④should表惊讶,忧虑,惋惜等情绪,意为竟然,竟会。

eg. i find it quite astonishing that he should be so rude to you.

在疑问句中,常与how,why,who等连用,表示不合理,难以相信或不应该之事。eg. how should i know?

should/ought to h**e done表示责备或批评,意为本应该。但,ought to的语气更强烈。

eg. you should/ought to h**e told her the truth earlier.

would用于向第二人称,征求对方意见(疑问句)eg. would you please open the door?②will表示意志,愿望,决心。

eg. if you will help me with my english, i will work hard.③will表习惯,倾向,多用于第三人称,意为通常,常常。

eg. he will sit there hour after hour doing nothing.

birds will fly to the south when it turns cold.④表自然规律。

eg. oil and water will not mix.

if the pure water is heated to 100℃,it will boil.

toused to do“过去常常,强调现在不做了”可与状态动词连用would表过去反**生的动作或某种倾向,意为“总要,总是”would②表示估计或猜想。

eg. it would be about ten when he left home.③表示谦恭的请求,常用于疑问句中。

eg. would you tell me the way to the station?④won’t或would not常用于表示坚决地拒绝eg.

i won’t listen to your would not let me enter the room.


作情态动词时,后接v原,表需要。eg. you need n’t return the book he start from the beginning?

yes,he must.

no,he needn’t./doesn’t h**e to.

needn’t h**e done表示做了本不应该做的事,意为“本不必要”。③need作实义动词时,表示“需要”,有人称,时态,和数的变化。eg.

he needs to finish it this evening.

作情态动词;既可表现在,也可表过去。eg. tom wanted to come,but he daren’t.

he daren’t/daredn’t tell his parents his exam result.②作实义动词时,有人称,时态和数的变化。eg.

i dare to swim across this doesn’t dare (to) tell...

to /had better

疑问句:did you use to go there for walk?used you to go there for a walk?

回答:yes, i didno, i didn’ i used tono,i usedn’t.反意疑问句:

she used to be very fat,didn’t she?usedn’t she?had better的反意疑问句,hadn’t/shouldn’t you?


一 情态动词的基本讲解。may 可能,可以 might 可能,可以 can,能,会,可能 could 能,会,可能 will,将,要 would 将,要 shall,将要,会 should 应该 must,必须,一定 need,需要 dare,敢 h e to,不得不 ought to.应该 had...


课前一测。1 i h e an apple?我能要一个苹果吗?2 i make the model.我会制作模型。3 you h e a toothache.you see the dentist.4 you put away your toys,tony?tony,你能把你的玩具拿开吗?情态动词。...


1.can的用法 1 表示能力 许可 可能性。表示能力时一般译为 能 会 即有种能力,尤其。是生来具备的能力,此时may和must均不可代替它。如 she can swim fast,but i can t 2 表示许可,常在口语中。如 you can use my dictionary.3 表示推...