
发布 2021-04-10 20:25:28 阅读 2484






例1 my father is very busy. he oftencome) late.

点拨: 句中有频度副词often做状语,且前一句谓语动词是is,故用一般现在时,即comes。

例2itrain) at this time yesterday afternoon.

点拨: 句中的时间状语this time yesterday afternoon指过去某一时刻,故用过去进行时was raining。

例3li meilook) her pen now.

点拨: 由句中的状语now可以判断动词应用现在进行时,即is looking。

例4 marynot hear) from alice since last term.

点拨: 根据句中的时间状语since last term可知谓语动词需要用现在完成时,即hasn’t heard。

例5our teacher’s son___be) ten years old next year.

点拨: 句中有时间状语next year,故用一般将来时will be。值得一提的是:

shall / will与be going to在大多数情况下可以互换。但是在论及不能主观控制的事情时应用will,不能用be going to,所以本题只能填will be。


例6look! the boysplay) football over there.

点拨: 以第一句look我们可以确定下句应该是“男孩子正在那边踢足球”,因而用现在进行时,即are playing。

例7-when weh**e)the class meeting?

-tomorrow morning.

点拨: 根据答案可以确定用一般将来时,即用shall/ will h**e或are going to h**e。


例8 she said shefinish) the work the next day.

点拨: 在宾语从句中,当主句的谓语动词是过去时,从句的谓语动词要用相应的过去时态。又根据从句的时间状语the next day可断定用过去将来时,即would finish。

例9 when we reached guangzhou, the ship___already___set off).

点拨]: 在时间状语从句中,从句用过去时,主句常用过去完成时;另外还可以根据主从句谓语动词的先后来确定时态。所以本题的答案为had; set off。

例10 we’ll go to beijing zoo if it___not rain) tomorrow.

例11 i___write)to you as soon as i get to my home town.

点拨: 在if和as soon as引导的状语从句中,从句用一般现在时代替将来时,所以主句应该用一般将来时,反之亦然。故例10答案为doesn’t rain。

例11为shall write。

四) 注意特殊情况


例12 the teacher told us the sun __rise) in the east.

点拨: 主句虽然是一般过去时,但宾语从句说的是客观真理,所以不受主句的制约,应用一般现在时,即rises。

五) 根据固定搭配和惯用原则确定时态或非谓语动词形式

例13 sorry, i h**e kept youwait) for a long time.

点拨: keep sb. doing sth.是固定搭配,意思为“使某人处于某种状态”。因此,用动词的现在分词waiting做宾语补足语。

例14 the boss made him___work) fourteen hours a day.

点拨: 在let, make, h**e等使役动词所带的复合结构中,要用省略to的不定式做宾补,故用work原形。

六) 特殊动词特别注意

1.只能用动名词做宾语的动词,如:enjoy, finish, mind等。

2.只能用不定式做宾语的动词,如:hope, wish, mean, want, decide等。

3.既可以用动名词又可以用不定式(形式由句意而定)做宾语的动词,如:begin, forget, remember, hate, love, like, need, start, stop等。



___go) swimming in the river every day in summer.

___seem) you are right.

the children __play) basketball on the playground.

___listen) to the radio when i came in.

is very cold. i think itrain)

6.“i need some *****.” i __bring) some for you.”

can’t find my pen. who __take) it?

said that he __come)_ back in five minutes.

didn’t meet him. he __le**e) when i got there.

___lose) my bike, so i h**e to walk to school.

___sit) down and began to read his news*****.

is not here. he __go) to the post office.

is very hungry. he __not eat) anything for three days.

___go) with you if i h**e time.

will go to the cinema if it __rain) tomorrow.

will tell her the news when she __come) to see me next week.

17.“when __you __buy) the car?” in 1998.”

___be)good friends since we met at school.

___you __do)at five yesterday afternoon?

bike is nice. how much __it __cost)

very important for us to learn english bymake) flashcards.

) notes when the teacher had a lesson.

think___wear) tie looks really cool.

that they’re playing basketball on the playground.

should beallow) to study with friends.

they are together, they talk instead of __do) homework.

only twelve years old. don’t get your earspierce).

raining now. we h**e to put offh**e) a picnic.

takes me half an hourwalk) to work every day.

itbe) fine, we’ll go fishing tomorrow.

in beijing since he was eight years old.

think the computerinvent) before the tv.

中考英语专题复习32动词应用 一 教案

新学期新成绩新目标新方向。32动词应用 一 教学目标 教会学生应对动词应用题中的在句子中填写适当的动词形式这一题型,进一步巩固动词的语态 非谓语动词的用法和其他习惯用语 句型等。教学重点难点 句子中填写动词的适当形式主要是测试考生对动词的时态 动词的语态 非谓语动词的用法和其他方面的掌握情况。谓语动...


1 海报 poster 内容 影讯 球讯等。影讯。参考单词 票价fare 电影院cinema 球讯。讲座 lecture 2 寻物启事 失物招领 lost and found 寻物启事 lost 失物招领 found 3 通知。口头通知 announcement 注意事项 口头通知发布人通常用第一人...


1 海报 poster 内容 影讯 球讯等。影讯。参考单词 票价fare 电影院cinema 球讯。讲座 lecture 2 寻物启事 失物招领 lost and found 寻物启事 lost 失物招领 found 3 通知。口头通知 announcement 注意事项 口头通知发布人通常用第一人...