英语连词 介词语法

发布 2021-04-10 20:16:28 阅读 4491



一、 并列连词。

① 连系连接词,表垒加:and , neither…nor… ,as well as , both…and , not only …but also 等。

the captain , as well as the passengers , was frightened .

not only the students but their teacher has participated in the game .

选择连词:or , either...or , or else , otherwise 等。

in the case of does and fawns , a great deal of energy is expended either in milk production or in growing .


③ 转折连词:but , yet , notwithstanding , nevertheless等。

he still delayed , notwithstanding there was need for haste .


he was very tired , nevertheless he kept working in the lab .


④ 原因连词:for

the windows were open , for it was hot .

⑤ 结果连词:so

she consented , so they left . 她答应了,于是他们离开了。

二、 从属连词:

① 引导名词型从句:that , if , lest , wh-words .

it is doubtful whether he will be able to come .

he feared lest he should be late . 他担心会迟到。

his suggestion is that the conference be put off till tomorrow .


② 引导副词性从句:as , that , when , after , before , since , because , if , ever if , unless , as soon as , so...as , granted/granting that(假定,就算)

granted that tom has enough money to buy the car , it doesn’t mean that he is going to do so .

i won’t call you , unless something unexpected happens .



at , by , in , on , for , since , after , with , to , of , during , behind , about , over , but , except , besides , among , between , under , beneath(在。之下) ,despite(不管,尽管) ,etc.

二、 复合介词:

upon , within(在。之内, 不越出), onto , throughout(遍及, 贯穿), towards , outside , without , into , etc.

三、 短语介词:

as for(关于;至于), apart from(远离, 除。之外), because of , regardless of(不管:不顾) ,contrary to(与。

相反), owing to(由于, 因。之缘故), prior to(先于,在…以前) ,instead of(代替;宁愿), thanks to(由于;因为) ,together with , on purpose of(故意地;有意地), for the sake of(为了) ,by means of(使用;由于) ,on account of(由于;因为) ,in addition to(加于…之上;除…之外又) ,with regard of(关于) ,with the exception of(除。以外) ,by means of(通过; 用; 借助于) ,on behalf of(作为…的**;在…一边) ,by way of(通过;经由) ,in respect of(关于;就…来说) ,in comparison with(和。

比较起来) ,on the ground of(以。为理由) ,in charge of , etc.



angry, anxious, careful, careless, certain(确定), concerned(在乎) (with , over ),crazy(着迷的), curious( 好奇的,奇妙的), excited , glad, hopeful, knowledgeable, nervous(神经质的,紧张不安的),particular(挑剔的), pleased , sick(懊丧)(at), sorry, undecided(未定的), worried, etc.

his wife is particular about clothing , especially when taking part in a party.

he was not concerned about the result of the experiment that you had performed .他并不在乎你所作的实验结果如何。

anxious, **ailable(可用的), bad, competent(有能力的), eager, sick(想望的,病了), eligible(合格的), essential(重要的,必要的,本质的), famous( be famous for以。著名), renowned(有名的), well-known, best-known(流传久远的), fit, good, grateful(感激的), greedy(贪婪的), hungry, impatient(不耐烦的,急躁的), important, necessary, perfect, prepare, qualified(合格的), ready, remarkable(不平常的,值得注意的), responsible(有责任的,原因), accountable(应负责的,有义务的), answerable(应负责任的), liable(有义务的), scheduled(安排的),suitable, suited, thankful, thirsty(热望的), unfit, vital(生死攸关的,极其重要的), watchful(警惕的,注意的),etc.

they told me there were still tickets **ailable for the film titanic.

the person in charge of the project should be accountable for the great loss.负责那项工程的人应为此巨大损失负责。

amazed(吃惊), annoyed(苦恼的), astonished(惊讶), bad, clever, better, delighted, poor, sick(对。感到不愉快,遗憾), dismayed(沮丧的), furious(狂暴的,热烈兴奋的), incompetent(不合格的,不胜任的), quick, overjoyed(狂喜的), shocked(可恶的), good, struck(受罢工影响的), slow, surprised(感到惊讶的), terrible, skilful(巧妙的,技术好的,擅长的), useful(精通的), etc.

she was very much amazed at what she saw in the factory .

the boy was annoyed at not being allowed to join the hunting party.

absorbed(全神贯注的, 一心一意的), abundant(充足的,丰富的,盛产), rich, high, plentiful(丰富的,富饶的), accurate(正确的,精确的), active, alike(相像), busy(爱管闲事的), caught up(涉及,着迷,沉醉于), confident(自信的,确信的), deceived(被欺骗的), deficient(缺乏的), disappointed, dressed, engaged(从事于), employed(雇佣的), experienced(有经验的,老练的), fortunate(幸运的), generous(宽裕的), honest(诚实的), interested(感兴趣), involved(卷入), lost(失去的,丧失的), occupied(占有的), proficient(精通的), prompt(果断的), strong, successful, wanting(缺少的), weak, wrapped(包起来的), etc.

the student was completely absorbed in reading the detective story. 那个学生正在全神贯注地读侦探**。

this river is abundant in salmon . 这条和里盛产鲑鱼。

she likes to get involved in everything and know all the details . 他事事都爱管,而且喜欢打听得详详细细。

afraid, ashamed(惭愧的, 羞耻的), aware(察觉的,机警的), born(天生的), capable(有能力的), careful(小心,仔细), careless, uncertain(不确定的), clear, confident, conscious(有意识的,有知觉的), unconscious, critical(吹毛求疵的), difficult, doubtful(可疑的,拿不准的), envious(妒忌的), exclusive(排外的), expressive(表现的), fearful(可怕的,吓人的), fond, frightened(受惊的), full, hopeful(about), ignorant(不了解,不知道), independent(独立,自立), proud(自豪,骄傲), sensible(可觉察的), sick(厌倦的,发腻的,厌恶的), jealous(嫉妒的), innocent(无罪的,无知的), sure, symbolic(象征的), thoughtful(体贴的),etc.

she became aware of a particular smell in the room . 她发觉屋子里有一股特别的气味。


连词是用来连接词与词 词组与词组或句子与句子 表示某种逻辑关系的虚词。连词可以表并列 承接 转折 因果 选择 假设 比较 让步等关系。一 知识概要。连词是一种在句子与句子之间,短语之间以及名词等其他词语之间起连接作用的虚词,它不能单独作句子的成份。按其意义可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词连接...

中考英语语法汇总 连词语法讲解

中考英语语法汇总 连词语法讲解。一 连词概述。连词是连接单词 短语或句子的一种虚词。在句中不单独作句子成分。历年中考中常考并列连词and,but,neither nor 从属连词now that,though,when。所以了解状语从句和宾语从句的真正意义有助于正确使用从属连词。二 基础知识梳理。1...


介词。介词又叫前置词,是一种用来表示词与词 词与句之间关系的词,它一般放在名词 代词 宾格 或动词 动词ing形式 前面。1 in 在 里面。如 in the classroom in 颜色,穿着 颜色的衣服。如 who s the man in white?in 语言,用某种语言说。如 what ...