說明》 若有對方說話的速度太快、電話音量太小、線路受到雜音干擾等現象,應適時提出來,以便改善通話情況。
1) 對不起,請再說一遍好嗎?
i beg your pardon?
2) 能請你說大聲一點嗎?
could you speak a little louder?
3) 請講大聲點好嗎?
could you speak up, please?
4) 請講慢一點好嗎?
will you speak a little more slowly?
5) 速度請慢一點好嗎?
would you slow down a little, please?
6) 很抱歉,我聽不清楚你說話。
i'm sorry, i can't hear you very well.
7) 我們的線路似乎不好。你聽得見我嗎?
we seem to h**e a bad connection. can you hear me?
8) 線路不良。
the connection's not good.
9) 我們的通話線路很糟。
we've got a bad line.
10) 電話線路並不清楚。
the line is fuzzy.
11) 電話線路發生交擾。請掛斷再重打好嗎?
the lines are crossed. would you hang up and call us again?
12) 你剛才說什麼?
what did you say just now?
13) 你能重覆一遍嗎?
could you repeat that?
14) 能請你再說一遍嗎?
could you say that again, please?
15) 這電話有問題。
something's wrong with this phone.
16) 你聽得清楚我說話嗎?我們的電話線路情況不佳。
can you hear me well? we h**e a poor connection.
說明》 聽不懂對方的話卻硬撐下去,並非明智之舉,不如坦白請對方更簡單明確的說明清楚。
1) 能說得明確一點嗎?
could you put that in more specific terms?
2) 我無法確定你的意思。
i'm not sure what you mean.
3) 很抱歉。我沒聽懂你的話。
i'm sorry. i couldn't follow you.
4) 你講得太快了。我跟不上。
you're talking too fast. i can't keep up.
5) 請你再多解釋一下好嗎?
will you explain a little bit more?
6) 你能說得簡單一點嗎?
could you put that more simply?
7) 恐怕我沒聽懂。能請你再說一遍嗎?
i'm afraid i didn't understand that. could you say that again, please?
8) 對不起,我沒聽到,請你再說一遍好嗎?
excuse me, but i didn't hear that, would you mind repeating it, please?
9) 抱歉,我沒聽懂,請您拼一下好嗎?
sorry, but i didn't catch that, would you mind spelling it, please?
說明 有時候因為自己有他事待辦,必須結束電話,或是有些人講起電話來常不自覺的說個沒完,令聽者困擾。這時候可婉轉的提出你必需結束談話的理由,讓對方知道自己準備掛斷電話了。1 很抱歉打斷您的話,懷特先生。我正設法趕在幾位客戶去吃午餐前打電話聯絡他們。我稍後再打過去給你繼續談此事,您認為如何?i m so...
接電話時常用的客套話。說明 電話是一種非直接面對面的社交或人際溝通方式,自然也免不了要講一些活絡感情的客套話。1 早安。午安。晚安。good morning.good afternoon.good evening.2 好久不見了。it s been a long time.3 好久不見。long t...
自己正是對方要找的人時。說明 剛好接到找自己的電話時,女性可說 this is she.男性則可說 this is he.而 it s me.和 speaking.是較為隨便的說法。this is 自己名字 speaking.則是較正式的說法。1 我就是王大明。this is taming wang...