
发布 2021-04-04 13:12:28 阅读 2835




第i卷 (共三部分,115分)

第一部分:听力部分(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)



1. what color does the man prefer?

a. light blueb. yellowc. pink

2. why can't the woman take her holiday?

a. she is out of job now.

b. she is busy with her new job.

c. she is training her employees.

3. what is the woman doing?

a. offering suggestions

b. expressing dissatisfaction

c. asking for help.

4. how many hours will the woman be in new york?

a. two hoursb. six hoursc. four hours.

5. what does the woman mean?

a. she thinks she is luck to get the tickets.

b. she doesn’ t want to sit near the stage.

c. she means it is not easy at all to get tickets.

第二节 (15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)




6. what is mr. smith doing?

a. answering the phone. b. h**ing a meeting. c. working in the office.

7. when will mr. smith return to the office?

a. after two o’clockb. in an hourc. at three o’clock.

8. what can we infer from the dialogue?

a. the man will take a message for mr. smith.

b. anne will ring the office again.

c. mr. smith will ring anne back.


9. what was the weather like last week?

a. nice and sunnyb. too warmc. neither hot nor cold.

10. what season is it now?

a. summerb. winterc. autumn.

11. what does the man think the weather will be like this weekend?

a. he thinks it’ll rain.

b. he doesn't think it’ll rain.

c. he thinks it’ll be cloudy.


12. what is the man’s occupation?

a. a doctorb. a researcherc. a news reporter.

13. which of the following room did the man book before he came?

a. a warm room with a shower.

b. a single room with a showerc. room 523.

14. when is the man checking in?

a. saturdayb. thursdayc. tuesday.


15. how much does the woman pay for what she buys?

a. $250b. $420c. $170.

16. why does the woman change the first overcoat?

a. it’s too expensive. b. it’s too large. c. it’s a bit small.

17. what color is the overcoat?

a. blueb. whitec. grey.


18. what is the talk mainly about?

a. improving our memory.

b. taking care of our health.

c. collecting information.

19. what should we do to remember someone's name?

a. write it down on a piece of *****.

b. pay more attention to his or her first name.

c. remember his or her last name.

20. what does the speaker suggest to us?

a. h**ing a rest for twenty minutes.

b. taking some vitamin b1 and b2.

c. doing sports during the break.



从a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. in order to find __better job, he decided to study __second foreign


a. the; ab. a; ac. the; thed. a; the

22. —why don’t we choose that road to s**e time?

the bridge to it __

a. has repairedb. is repaired

c. is being repairedd. will be repaired

23. —i wonder how much you charge for your services.

the first two are free __the third costs $30.

a. whileb. untilc. whend. before

24. —how long h**e you been in this office?

just a few minutes.my cousins __here together with me.

a. h**e walkedb. had walked [**:学优高考网]

c. walkedd. h**e been walking

25. she talked again and again to her friend about careful driving, but __just

turned a deaf ear to her words.

a. anotherb. otherc. othersd. the other

26. everybody was touched __words after they heard her moving story.

a. beyondb. without c. ofd. in

27. —who has made a mess in my room?

— who else __h**e done it but your naughty son?

a. wouldb. couldc. should d. must

28. —you shouldn’t h**e taken pictures before the carved stones.


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