
发布 2021-04-01 04:21:28 阅读 6808

1. shoot (rise) to fame

shoot to fame或者rise to fame都指“一举成名”、“迅速走红”。例:the singer shot to fame at the talent show.

那位歌手在才艺比赛中一夜成名。2. shoot to stardom

词缀-dom表示“……的状况、地位”,stardom也就是“明星身份”,而shoot to stardom则指“迅速成名”。

例:she shot to stardom on broadway after appearing in a noel coward play.她因在百老汇出演了一部诺埃尔科沃德的戏一炮而红。

3. overnight celebrity


tom became an overnight celebrity.汤姆一夜间就成为了名人。4.

overnight hit

除了说人一夜火了,还可以说某个东西一夜火了,这时可以用上hit~例:how did facekini become an overnight hit?

脸基尼是怎么一夜成名的?(facekini就是脸部防晒面罩,戴上看起来好像打劫的。)5. overnight sensation

sensation意指“感觉、轰动”,它可以表示轰动一时的热门人物或事件。overnight sensation则指“一夜成名”。

例:their stunning performance has made them an overnight sensation.



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