
发布 2021-04-01 04:13:28 阅读 6573



1. i'd like to reserve a seat at twelve to london. 我想要预定一个座位,十二点开往伦敦的火车。

2. i''d like to book two tickets from paris to london. 我要预定两张从巴黎到伦敦的票。

预约旅馆 1. do you h**e a single room **ailable tomorrow night? 明晚还有单人间吗?

2. i''d like to make a reservation for a single room. 我想要预定一间单人间。

3. i prefer a room with an ocean view. 我想要一间可以看到海景的房间。

4. how about the room charge? 房间的费用是多少呢?

5. what''s the price of a double room? 双人间的价钱是多少?

6. does that include service charge and tax? 包含服务费和税吗?

7. do you accept visa? 你们能接受visa信用卡吗?

叫醒服务 1. would you wake me up at six? 六点钟能叫我起床吗?

2. this is room 213. could you give me a wake-up call at six tomorrow morning?


3. i''d like a wake up call at seven tomorrow morning.明天早晨七点请叫我起床。


1. there is no water. 没有水。

2. the toilit doesn''t flush properly. 马桶冲不下去了。

3. we need one more towel. 我们需要多加一条毛巾。

4. the tv doesn''t work. 电视机不能看。

表示……坏了,可以用:something is wrong with~ 或 ~ be not working.


1. come (verb.)

come here!到这里来!

he will never come to much (=will never be successful-).他将来绝不会很有作为。

how did you come to be so foolish?你为什么如此愚蠢?

on what page does it come? 它在哪一页?

2. get (verb.)

we can get 15 channels on tv.我们可以收看到15个频道的电视节目。

do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?

ah! i’ve got you there! 啊!这下我可难到你啦。

3. give (verb.)

he g**e me his cold. 他把感冒传给我。

sorry to h**e given you trouble.对不起,打扰了。

4. go (verb.)

go get a doctor.去叫医生来!

how goes it with you?你近来情况如何?

there are six minutes to go. 还有六分钟。

5. keep (verb.)

does your watch keep good time? 你的表走得准吗?

sorry to h**e kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

does your school keep all day?你们学校全天上课吗?

6. let (verb.)

let us pray.让我们祈祷吧。

the pair of rubber shoes let (in) water.这双胶鞋漏水。

the flat lets for 1500 yuan a month.这套公寓每月租金1500元。

7. make (verb.)

make yourself comfortabl-e.请随意。

what time do you make it? (what do you make the time?)你看现在几点了?

he made to go.他要走了。

8. put (verb.)

i put a question to him.我向他提出一个问题。

what a way you h**e of putting things!瞧你这人怎么那样说话!

i put her at 35. 我估计她大概35岁。

9. seem (verb.)

be what you seem (to be).要表里如一。

it seems as if it is going to rain.看来快下雨了。

i can’t seem to solve it right now. 看来我无法立刻解决它。

10. take (verb.)

be careful not to take cold. 小心不要着凉。

do you take me for a fool?你以为我是傻瓜吗?

don’t take it so seriously.不要把这事看得太严重。

11. be (verb.)

can such things be?可能有这样的事吗?

he is come. 他已经来了。


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