
发布 2021-05-26 22:16:28 阅读 1286


i'm sorry i'm late. 真抱歉我迟到了。

sorry to h**e kept you waiting. 很抱歉让大家等我一个人。


i ran out of gas. 我要去加油。

i got lost. 我迷路了。

i don't h**e gps. 我没有全球定位系统。

i missed my exit. 我错过了高速(高架)出口。

there was construction. 碰上修路了。

there was an accident. 遇上车祸了。

it was farther than i thought. 这地方比我想得远多了。

i couldn't find a parking spot. 我找不到停车位。


i couldn't get a taxi. 我打不到车。

the bus was late. 公交车晚了。

i missed the bus. 我没挤上公交车。

i was stuck in traffic. 遇上堵车了。


i feel sick. 我病了。

i don't feel well. 我不舒服。

i'm a little under the weather. 我身体有点不适。

my skin is breaking out. 我**过敏了。

i'm dizzy. 我头晕。

i'm so dizzy i can't stand up. 我晕得站也站不起来。

i h**e a headache.=my head hurts. 我头痛。

i feel sick to my stomach. 我胃痛。



i had to drop someone off. 我要送个朋友。

my last appointment ran over. 我上一个约会耽搁了。



i overslept. 我睡过头了。

my alarm didn't go off. 我的闹钟没响。

i misjudged the time. 我看错时间了。

i lost track of time. 我忘了时间了。

i had to get money. 我去取钱了。

i had to run an errand. 我有事要办。


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