
发布 2021-03-31 11:16:28 阅读 4481


如要多次表达“重要”,可使用“important, significant, be of significance, vital”等多样化的语言;同时,建议考生多使用词组而不是单个单词来表情达意。如“尊重”,可使用“show due respect”或“look up to”而不单是“respect”,这样可以使文章更加灵动。最后,注意复杂句,比如主从复合句的应用。




1. 图表类说明文得分策略。





as is shown in the graph/as is vividly depicted in the chart, …

the line graph indicates that …

according to the survey, …

the figures provide general information on …/focus on …/reveal the changes in …

the picture above clearly displayed the upward tendency in …

witnesses a constant increase from (number ) in (year) to (number) in (year)

sth reaches its highest point/peak/top plateau/lowest point/bottom at + 数据+时间。

the number/percentage of sth reaches …,peaking/bottoming at +数据。


there are at least two/three reasons accounting for ..给出原因).

the tendency would be continuing because …

several major driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes/trend/phenomenon/problem may be summarized as follows.

the effects resulting from the phenomenon above may be listed as follows.

one more effect that can not be ignored is …

quite a few factors give rise to the problem.

first, …in addition, …last but not least, …


as far as i’m concerned/in my opinion/from my point of view, …should …

it is better/advisable to …

it’s my firmly held view that …

in short/to sum up/generally speaking/in a word, .

based on the description above, we can safely draw the conclusion that …

from what has been discussed previously, we may safely conclude that …

2. 提纲式说明文得分策略。





comments: dynamic school life, never lay too much emphasis on academic performance; peer pressure

courses: compulsory courses; optional courses; participate in; after-school activities; attend school assembly; get a degree in …

benefits: develop communication skills; offer students great opportunities to develop their potential; independent learning; promote creative/critical thinking


opposite to the … lies/stands/sits …

this area enjoys a reputation as a land of …

located/situated in the east of …/on the coastline of …,xxx covers an area of ..with the population of more than 2 million people.

despite its size and modern look, beijing still keeps its old traditions and culture.

there are many places of interests, among which is ..



personality: a dedicated/devoted doctor; h**e a strong desire for sth; full of enthusiasm and passion

what impresses me most is his extraordinary optimism.

to realize a dream, one should learn to defeat difficulties through constant struggle as well as persistence.

he is such a warm-hearted man that we all admire him very much.

appearance: a well-developed figure; a strongly-built body; look timid; with curly hair

experience: majoring in …,he graduated from xxx university and went abroad for further education; …began to play basketball under one’s instructions and guidance; realize his dream with determination and perseverance; h**e a good command of …


一 总体分析。说明文是近年来高考英语书面表达中比较常见的一种体裁,要求学生用简明扼要的语言来解说事物 阐明事理 分析图表,从而提供相关信息或完成特定任务等。主要命题形式包括图表式作文或提纲式作文等。除了考查学生的基本语言表达能力以外,还对学生表达的层次性和条理性提出要求。全国大部分地区的说明介绍类作...


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一 在了解了学生在写作上存在的这些问题以及高考书面表达的规律及方向后,教师可以尝试从不同的层面和不同角度来帮助学生解决英语写作中的难题,加强学生的写作能力培养,引导他们树立提高英语写作能力的信心。1 规范学生答题步骤,让学生充满信心 2 认真审题,明确要求。审人称 体裁,审时态,审要点。3 选词造句...