2019九年级人教版英语U4学案 2

发布 2021-03-30 08:34:28 阅读 8316



unit4 i used to be afraid of the darksectionb



1.在公共场所公开地in___2.总是,一直___3.给某人惹麻烦___problems___sb4.缺席be absent

5.决定做某事___a decision to do sth=__to do sth

6.违反规则___the rules7.在足球队里8.

取得好成绩___good___9.建议某人(不)做某事___sb(not)to do sth10.一所寄宿学校a___school11.


13.令某人惊奇的是: _one’s __

14.改变了某人的生活___one’s life15 .即使16关心,照顾___care___lookfor17.

对…感到自豪in= be __of18.对…多加注意:pay___attention___19.

逃课be absent___classes=__classes20.保持沉默remain

21在过去的几年里___the last/past few years(现在完成时)


so“如此的,这么”是副词,修饰形容词和副词,such“这样的,如此的”是形容词。修饰名词。so ..that“如此…以致于。”such …that “如此…以致于。

如:she is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her.= she is __lovely___girl that everyone loves such + a / an +adj +单数名词 +adj / adv+a\an +单数名词如:


people would not like to do __work. (so, such) is __delicious food that i want some a b. such c.

so a d. so

3.他如此小一致于还不能去上学。he’sthat he can’tgo to school.

★pride名词,自豪,骄傲,它的形容词为proud自豪的,骄傲的take pride in以…而自豪=be proud of

如:his father alwayshim..他的爸爸总是以他而自豪。


1. our life___a lot in the last ten years.

changed b. h**e changedc. will changed.

changed2.—_do you surf the internet?—twice a week.

a. how much b. how longc. how soond. how often

3. _my teachers’ help, i began to catch up with my withb. underc. ind. to



''mtryingtoit'sreallyhard, you know.

a. turn it onb. put it offc. give it upd. take it used toin the practice swimming

movie is so __that i am veryin interesting, interesting, interestedd. interested, interesting7. tina will be used to __in live b.

living c. lives d. lived

8 .tom spent two hours __the job finish d. finished9___it is dark,__i can go home although, but b.

though, /c. /is used toa t-shirt and wear b. put on c.

wearing d. putting on

11. her sister __a taxi driver. now she works for a isb.

were used to beingc. is used to being d. used to be12.bamboo can*****.

a. used to make b. be used make c.

be used to make d. be used to ******13.一are you __the dark?

oh.yes.i always go to sleep with the light on.

a.used tob.afraid ofc.interested ind.good with14. when i was a child, i used to __likingb. likec.

likedd. likes15work in microsoft?

a. did you used to b. did you use toc.

do you used tod. do you use to16. tom used to be short ,_he?

a. doesn’tb. didn’tc. didd. does

17.__seems that jane knows the bad she

18. tina is so shy that she is afraid ofin front of a speakb. speaksc.

spoked. speaking二.适当的词填空。

1. li wen is afifteen years old )boy.

2. his mother looked after him asas she could.(good)3luck), li wen caused problems for himself and his family.



unit 4 i used to be afraid of the 1 section a 1a 2d 必背单词。1.humorous adj.有幽默感的,滑稽有趣的 humor n.幽默。2.silent adj.不说话的,沉默的 remain stay keep silent保持沉默 silen...


1.百万。2.医学的,医疗的。3.研究,调查。4.领带。5.烦恼,忧虑。6.如果。将会怎么样。7.小脓包,丘疹。8.有活力的,精力充沛的。9.自信的,有把握的。10.允许,许可,准许。11.反身代词 她自己,她本身。12.使恼怒,打扰。13.一点也不,根本不。14.使生气,使烦恼。15.相当地,还算...


unit 4 what would you do?学案。第一课时 section a 一 认真预习课本 p26 section a 1a 1c 完成以下任务。一 默写下列单词。1.百万2.医学的3研究 调查。二 思考如果你有很多钱,你会做什么?把你的答案填入1a。翻译下列词组。1.把它给慈善机构2....