
发布 2021-03-22 14:05:28 阅读 4877





marriage is a life, one of the longest part of the journey, thebasis of a good marriage is love. tolstoy said: "love makes marriageholy.

" one of the most important causes of transnational marriage isboth love each other. love, marriage. love can overcome alldifficulties.

in love on the basis of transnational marriage andother forms of marriage, there is no difference in essence, we can'ttalk about the pros and cons of existence. on the other hand, thetransnational marriage can make both sides understand each other'scountries to understand each other's culture, to promote moreexchanges.


at the same time, transnational marriage, both sides is easybecause of differences in nationality, habits, ideas, customs,language, resulting in no sense of identity and belonging. in fact,there is a higher risk compared with the transnational marriagemarriage, its uncertainty is higher. traditionally, chinese moreequal attention, and the multinational marriage, the lack of a commoncultural circle, the two sides are great differences in language,custom, religious belief and other aspects, and these are the twosides must cross the barrier, but to overcome these obstacles, is **ery difficult thing, therefore, the transnational marriage is veryeasily lead to divorce, which not only bring harm to both sides, butalso will bring bad effects to the people around.

日常英语口语大全 婚姻也跨国

日常英语口语大全 婚姻也跨国。01.she is head over heels in love with you.她全心全意地爱上你了。02.you are a confident and energetic go getter.你是一个自信 热情又能干的人。03.you are always t...


作者 黄翠芬。新教育时代 教师版 2016年第15期。摘要 新婚姻法出台几年以来,并不是皆大欢喜,而是众议纷呈,利弊众说纷纭,本文主要研究新婚姻法在夫妻财产和。夫妻权利义务方面的变化。关键词 新婚姻法 利与弊 权利 义务。新婚姻法,是国家颁布的一部司法解释。新婚姻法催生新择偶观,潜力股 成女人新宠。...


早恋指的是青春期青少年建立恋爱关系。早恋 一词只在中国内地被。广泛使用。早恋一般指未进入大学阶段的青少年之间发生的爱情,特别是在。校的中小学生为多。现在关于写早恋的英语作文很多,下面是小编整理的关。于早恋的利与弊英语作文,希望对同学们的英语作文写作有帮助。高考英语必须掌握的六大题型解题技巧高考英语语...