
发布 2021-03-17 02:33:28 阅读 7919


in recent years, …现象表现或变化).in addition/besides, …进一步阐述现象).this phenomenon has aroused hot discussion.

……(总述现象)play a significant role in …(某方面)……进一步阐述该现象的原因).therefore, …总结现象导致的结果).however, some people argue that ……问题1) .

in addition, …问题2).

in my opinion, …个人观点/态度/ 建议). furthermore, …补充说明看法 ).in a word, …总结).

nowadays, there exist(s) …事实/现象) …进一步阐述该现象) .however, the reasons for ……现象概括)are varied.

to begin with, …原因1). moreover, …原因2). in addition, …原因3). finally, …原因4).

as to me/as far as i’m concerned, …个人观点). on the one hand, …原因1). on the other hand, …原因2).

in brief, …总结).

as is well known, …提出问题). it is obvious that …(原因1). additionally, …原因2).

so how to …(解决问题) is worth paying attention to.

first of all/firstly/in the first place, …解决方法1). secondly/in the second place/in addition/moreover, …解决方法2) .thirdly/besides/what’s more, …解决方法3).

in fact, ways to …(解决问题)are countless. it is necessary/time that …(采取措施解决问题).

during recent years, the topic of …(事实/现象),which has aroused public attention, is being more and more popular. undoubtedly/no doubt that…(总述问题的作用/重要性). on the one hand, …作用1).

on the other hand, …作用2).

however, it should be mentioned that …(分析问题的意义或原因). 进一步分析其意义) .therefore, it is of high significance/it is high time that …(解决问题).

in the first place, …解决方法1). furthermore, …解决方法2) .only in this way …(解决问题). 议**。

different people offer quite different ideas about ……提出要讨论的话题). many people assert……(观点1). they maintain such an idea because ……原因).

however, others believe that ……观点2). they argue that ……原因1). besides/moreover, …原因2).

as far as i’m concerned, i agree to ……观点). first, …原因1). second, …原因2) .

last but not least, …原因3). in a word, …结论).

there is a heated debate over ……提出争论焦点). it is commonly accepted that ……观点1). for one thing, …原因1).

for another, …原因2).

in contrast, others claim that ……观点2). they point out that ……原因).

as for me, i hold the belief that ……个人观点). it’s advisable to ……建议).

most people believe that ……观点). the truth is self-evident. firstly, …原因1).

secondly, …原因2).

the examples are just as follows. for one example, …例证1). for another, …例证2).

considering all these things, i think ……个人观点). in a word, …得出结论).

it is generally accepted that ……提出观点). the truth is deep and profound.

many examples contribute to this point. a case in point is ……例证1). moreover, …例证2).

besides, …例证3)。

all the mentioned above indicate that ……重申观点). but one thing we h**e to pay attention to is that ……注意事项). to sum up, …总结全文).

应用文。1. 信件。

( 月日,年 )

dear (收信人),i am __写信人姓名). i am sorry to occupy your precious time, but i really want to talk about表述写信目的).

the focus of the complaint is第一个不足之处). secondly第二个不足之处). finally最后一个不足之处).

all in all建议或再次强调作者观点 ).i really wish measures could be taken to improve具体问题). i am looking forward to your reply.


best wishes/regards.

yours sincerely,


2. 演讲词。

good morning, ladies and gentlemen! (问候观众) first, i would like to extend my thanks to演讲组织者) for致谢的原因). i am自我介绍).

i am sure that i am qualified for the position of __职位名称原因一). more importantly进一步解释). as far as第二方面的相关事物) is concerned原因二).

in addition原因三). all of the above demonstrates that总结演讲目的 ).

if i假设演讲目的达到), i will try my best to将要采取的第一个措施). moreover第二个措施). to sum up再次表达决心).

if you trust me, please cast your vote for me. thank you for your support and your listening! (再次强调演讲目的并向观众致谢)


dear friends,

welcome to参观的城市或国家名)! i am your tourist guide自己姓名). you may call me自我介绍).

it’s really a great pleasure to be with you and show you around this city. just as the old saying goes, “it is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar.”

the schedule for today is as follows: first , we will start out for第一个参观景点). the next sight to look around is第二个参观景点).

in the afternoon, we will go for第三个参观景点 ).

所要重点描述的景点) is considered most impressive for its magnificent view and historical significance介绍第一方面情况). moreover介绍第二方面情况). it is no doubt that介绍第三方面情况).


一 描述段模板。1.描述图表段模板 侧重通过提供图表数据反映问题 as is shown depicted described in the picture chart cartoon,概括图表内容。for one thing,支持这一内容的一个方面。for another,支持这一内容的另一个方面...


四级作文。一 写作技巧。现象阐述类。这类作文多为提纲式作文或图表式作文。这类命题要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释,分析产生该现象的原因并加以评论。写作模式 第一段描述现象 第二段解释这种现象产生或存在的原因 第三段提出解决问题的建议或总结观点。模板 nowadays recently,开门见山,描述现...

