
发布 2021-03-10 04:52:28 阅读 3639


一、 描述图画或图表式:


1. as is indicated/revealed/shown in the (above)picture//table(**)/chart(图表)/line graph(线型图)/pie(饼状图)/bar graph(柱状图)、,there h**e been some obvious changes in …正如(上面)图表中显示的,…已经有了一些明显的变化。

2.according to the figures given in the picture/graph/table/chart, .is becoming more and more popular/ gaining more and more popularity.


3 the/this picture vividly/apparently/clearly/obviously shows/depicts/reveals/indicates that…**生动/显然/清楚/明显地表明/描述/揭示/显示…

简单:as we can see in the picture; as can be seen/ in the picture…如图所示…

as is shown/depicted/revealed/indicated in the picture…正如**所表明/描述/揭示/显示的那样。

it can be seen from the picture/graph/table/chart…从图表或统计数据可以看出…



majority of /minority of / quite a few 大多数,极少数,许多。

increase/rise/grow上升;fluctuate/w**e/rise and fall 波动;decrease/decline/drop/fall/reduce下降。

sharply/dramatically/significantly 急剧(上升或下降)slightly稍微gradually/steadily/stably稳定(上升或下降)

例如:there is a slight/steady/dramatic/rapid/slow increase in….有了稍微/稳定/急剧/快速/缓慢的上升。

…has declined/decreased/fell/dropped markedly 有了明显的下降。



1.nowadays/recently/ currently/at present, there is a prevailing/popular/noticeable phenomenon/ that…最近,有一个盛行/流行/值得注意的…现象是…

2. there is a new trend/growing tendency among…that…在某些人中有一个新的趋势是…

3. with the development of …,is/are becoming a more and more serious problem/ 随着…的发展,…已经成为了一个越来越严重的问题。

.. has caused wide attention; has aroused a major/wide concern./引起了人们的广泛关注。


1 nowadays/recently/ currently/at present…is/are so popular that it has/they h**e become an indispensable part in 最近,…很流行已经成为。中不可或缺的一部分。

2 this phenomenon has become a subject of widespread controversy. 这一现象已经成为一个引起广泛争议的话题。

3 in recent years, china has had dramatic improvement/ there has been a dramatic increase in …近些年,中国已经在某方面有了巨大的改善/ …急剧上升。

there follows a craze for…in our society/…has begun to draw more and more attention from the public. 社会上流行一股…热/…已经引起了越来越多公众的注意。,


引出原因)1. there are many factors explaining/accounting for/ contributing to/deciding/influencing this phenomenon/…有许多困素导致了/决定影响了这一现象/某事。

2 . there are mainly two/three reasons behind the phenomenon/for…这一现象背后/某事主要有两个/三个原因。

3 the following reasons/factors can account for/are responsible for…lead to/result in/ contribute to…以下原因能够解释/导致….现象。

4. …is mainly caused by/ due to the following reasons/factors. 是由以下原因或因素引起的。

列举原因)1. one of the main reasons for this is … then,..finally一个主要原因是。

2. …is an important factor which influences sth…..是影响这件事的重要原因。

3. for one thing...for another...a third contributing factor is...

4. to begin with.. next...finally


引出/ 列举方法)

1.but/ then how to …/how should sb do sth?但是/那么,如何/怎么做呢?

2. the following measures can be taken to 可以采取以下措施。

considering the seriousness of…, effective measures should be taken to..考虑到问题的严重性,必须采取有效的措施。

3. considering the above factors, we should/must…考虑以上因素,我们必须。

it is necessary to take some effective measures to…有必要采取有限措施。

is no immediate solution to the problem, but… might be quite helpful/beneficial. 并没有立竿见影的方法来解决这个问题,但是…可能会带来很大的帮助。

first of all… besides/moreover…首先,其次。


1. only in this way /through these methods(measures) can we do sth./只有通过这种方法,我们才能(亮点:倒装)

2. only in this way /through these methods(measures) could the problem can be solved fundamentally. 只有通过这种方法,问题才能从根本上解决。

3. the first suggestion is… the second suggestion is… a further suggestion is…

4. the impact/influence could be minimized if we follow the suggestions/take the measures below 如果我们按照以下的建议/采取以下的措施,影响会降到最低。

5. in a word, it takes our common efforts to do...

to do sth requires the common efforts of all the citizens. 需要市民的共同努力。



1、the advantages of ..are obvious. .的好处或优势是显而易见的。

the advantages of...lie in many ways. 好处有很多方面。

2、..h**e brought many benefits to/ does good to...给。带来了好处。

...be beneficial/f**orable to sb ..对某人非常有益。

3、 bring/ produce/ h**e profound( far-reaching)、remarkable/considerable effect/ influence on..带来/产生/有深远的/显著的/巨大的影响。


1. however, problems may also arise(出现) 然后,问题也会出现。


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