关于自学Self education英语作文

发布 2021-02-26 00:25:28 阅读 2996

when finishing the high school course, not every student hasthe chance or ability to go to college. some students choosetoseekajob, for some students who want to get further education,they choose self-education, self-education is no better thanuniversity studies.


ontheonehand, they plan the target, the fulfillment know their own flaws, ****** progress gradually. whileself-learnersmaylosethemselves,theyh**enotest,nohomework and no exam; it is hard for them to know how to getimproved.


—文章**网,仅供分享学习参考~ 1 ~


ontheotherhand,self-educationdoesn’tprovidetheenvironment which students can learn from each other. ,******friends;studentscanalsoh**ethechancetoenhancetheability of team work and readership. those abilities are veryimportantforstudents,whentheyarefindingajob,theyh**ethe advantages.


self-educationisawayofgainingknowledge;iprefertostudyincollege, to learn elective courses in that way.


2023年英语作文 关于自学

英语关于自学。when finishing the high school course,not every student has the chance or ability to go to college.some students choose to seek a job,start the...


关于自学的英语及翻译。when finishing the high school course,not every student has the chance or ability to go to college.some students choose to seek a job,start...


1 如果你是懒人,不想背课文和单词,那么我强烈建议你不用字典和参考书,就用你自身的水平,翻译课文包括中译英,英译中 每课都有中文和英文 翻译过程中千万不要看文章,翻成什么是什么,翻译完了,再对比你得差距在哪儿,然后看那里不足,哪个单词不对,哪儿个词组不对,然后记住就行了。2 课后每一道题都要做,不用...