
发布 2021-02-23 14:44:28 阅读 7799




1. —他每逢星期天通常做什么?

—— 他经常去公园散步。

—— what __heon __

—— hefor a __in the park.

2. —what is your最喜欢的运动)?

—— i like to play football.

3. she exercises every day. she有一个健康的生活方式).

4吃蔬菜)every day对……有好处) your health.

5绝大部分的学生) watch tva week( 每周一次或两次).

6. our teacher wants us早点来) next time.

7. i often hear her唱这首歌) in the park.

8. do you know多久) the olympic games are held?

9. i don’t know多少次) he has tried.

10. —你周末通常做什么?

—— 我通常实行网上冲浪。

11. —他多久读一次英语书?

—— 每天都读。

12. 她的生活方式与你的相同还是不同?

___her lifestyle the sameor __

13. 我想我有点不健康。

i think i’m

14. 大量的蔬菜有助于你保持身体健康。

15. 他每晚睡几个小时?

he sleep every night?

16. 我们一直尽力协助那个贫穷的学生。

wehelp the poor student.

17. 虽然她很健康,但她每天坚持锻炼。

she __every day, _she is

18. 天天做眼保健操对我们的眼睛有好处。

itour eyes to do eye exercises every day.


1will you fly to australia?

---in two weeks.

a. how long b. how soon c. how often d. how

2can i keep the book?

---you can keep it for three days.

a. how often b. how soon c. when d. how long

3do you go to see a film?


a. how long b. how often c. when d. how soon

4. she usually goes __in the evening.

a. to shop b. shops c. shop d. shopping

5. -how often does he exercise?

a. in a week b. some times c. twice a week d. at 5 o’clock

6. how long can she __the bike?

a. borrow b. buy c. keep d. keeps

7. he usually __news*****s in the morning.

a. reads b. sees c. watches d. looks

8. i will fly to tokyo __next month.

a. sometimes b. some time c. usually d. twice

9. his father left without __a word.

a. say b. to say c. said d. saying

10. my mother made me __the whole day.

a. study b. studying c. to study d. studied

11girls are there in your class?


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