looking forward, looking forward to, and finally, mybirthday is here, i and my sister, brother to learnchocolate together.
a door, inside the splendid chocolate, i see dazzled,really want to eat it in one breath, but today i was tolearn to do chocolate. at this moment, my aunt took out themodel of ****** chocolate. there were lots of differentkinds.
i picked up the three models of gift box, strawberryand rose.
then, the aunt brought out the warm chocolate sauce andsoaked it in a hot water cup. then i was puzzled. i askedmy aunt, "why should the chocolate paste be soaked in hotwater?
""the aunt replied, "if the chocolate sauce is notsoaked in water, the chocolate paste will solidify and itwill not squeeze out.".
then, i picked up a strawberry model to do, first withthe pink chocolate sauce carefully packed in white dots,then green chocolate sauce squeezed in strawberry le**eswith yellow, with chocolate sauce filled with the model,and then get the oven roasted for ten minutes. a delicatestrawberry chocolate is made.
looking at your work, felt very happy.
生活不在其外表,而在其实质 事物不在其外壳,而在其精华。纪伯伦。桌上的巧克力从微启的包装袋中露出了奶棕色的一角,整个仿佛浸润在温暖的光泽中,散发出甜蜜的味道。这是亲戚从国外带回的一大板巧克力。刚送来时,我和爸爸妈妈每人掰了一小块尝尝。巧克力在口中融化开来,顿时成了绵密醇香的巧克力酱,一点点顺着喉咙滑...
关于巧克力的作文 二年级作文。篇一 香甜的巧克力。今天英语课上,我们学了三个小朋友分享巧克力的故事。上课时,哪个小朋友读得好,老师就奖励给他一小块巧克力。晚上,老师让我们在家复习这个故事,并且告诉爸爸妈妈,如果孩子读得好,也可以奖励一块巧克力。做完语文和数学作业,我就跟着点读机复习,复习完我读给妈妈...
暑假里,我读了世界奇幻大师罗尔德 达尔写的 查理和巧克力工厂 这是一本很有趣的 我一拿起就爱不释手。巧克力工厂是一个充满神秘色彩的地方,工厂会生产不会融化的冰淇淋 十秒钟变一次颜色的牛奶糖,还能制造巧克力宫殿 各种奇思妙想都能在巧克力工厂实现。所有人对这座梦幻般的工厂充满了好奇和憧憬。有一天,工厂主...